Half a thousand in 18 months!
Well, tonight is an anniversary at monoblogue. This will be post number 500, and it happens to coincide with my 18 month anniversary. So it's been a year and a half of being a general thorn in the side of liberals and hopefully a voice of sanity amongst the local blogger rabble.
I decided to check back and see some of the progress I've made in the last year and a half.
Post number 100 (April 26, 2006): ACU Ratings (part 1): a milestone post! Readership that week: 261.
Post number 250 (September 23, 2006): Pre-election planning. Readership that week: 546.
Post number 400 (March 12, 2007): Robinson on the Radio. Readership that week: 1,089.
So tonight is post number 500, and my readership this week was 1,525. That's actual readers, not hits. My hit total for May (according to my server site) was just over 180,000. That site also showed that I had 35,375 visits and 62,488 page views.
Now I have other news but I wanted to use this post to savor my success thus far and thank each and every one of you who make monoblogue a regular part of your day. I look forward to the next 500 posts - and beyond!