GOP infighting and more conventional news
What do you know, I just made a pun of sorts since the by-laws I'm referring to will be discussed at our fall convention. But I titled the piece as I did because there's a bit of a news roundup toward the end.
Fellow Maryland blogger Brian Griffiths did a series of posts about proposed changes to the state GOP by-laws. Honestly it seems like since I've come on board to the Maryland GOP hierarchy with my election last year to the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee, a great deal of time and energy has been spent talking about the by-laws. Granted, they did need some work and updating so a subcommittee was formed at the Fall 2006 convention to rework certain portions and streamline the document. They did a yeoman's job and some of the changes took effect this spring, while others are included in this fall's proposals. We've also done the same process with the county's by-laws and are working on the same style of changes in the Wicomico County Republican Club's version of their by-laws.
As far as Griffiths' take is concerned, I'm in agreement with most of his objections - particularly on this one:
The Party shall not, without the prior approval by at least a two-thirds affirmative vote of the State Executive Committee, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office. Nothing in this section shall preclude any member of the State Central Committee from personally contributing money or in-kind aid to a candidate in a Republican primary or Party election.
Yes, it's the John Kane "incumbent protection" policy that I ran on ending coming back in the back door. Obviously it's quite important this fall as we'll be in the midst of a spirited battle for the First Congressional District seat. For this purpose, I say a thousand times no on the proposal. Let the Republican voters decide!
The other objection Griffiths and I share is the voluminous postamble a Central Committee member wants to add to our "purpose":
We, the members of the Maryland Republican Party, believe in the inalienable, natural rights of each individual as endowed by our Creator, including the rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. We agree with our nation's founders that government is instituted to protect those rights and will oppose all efforts to interfere with their legitimate exercise. The Republican Party is committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States, which is the law of the land, and further to interpreting the Constitution in its original intent as written by the Founding Fathers. The Republican Party recognizes that the United States is a republic, governed by laws enacted by elected representatives pledged to protect the rights guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The Republican Party, from its inception, and under the leadership of its first President, Abraham Lincoln, has championed justice, equal rights, and opportunity for all, regardless of race, religion, gender or national origin. We are proud that our President, George W. Bush, has put into action our messages of hope, opportunity, family values, and individual rights; which is an inclusive message for all who love freedom, believe in individual rights and responsibility, and believe in government of the people.
I'm not wild about the first paragraph, but really what is the purpose of the second? Since GWB is leaving office in January 2009, is it appropriate to add this to our by-laws? We could approve it as a resolution but I see no need for cluttering the by-laws that some in the state Central Committee have worked hard to clean up and streamline.
Kudos to Brian Griffiths on this and his (along with the other RedMaryland contributors) coverage of the Anne Arundel GOP leadership situation. Fortunately here in Wicomico County we get along pretty well despite some differences of opinion here and there.
Speaking of the Maryland GOP, perhaps they stole a bit of Wicomico County's thunder by holding their own Straw Poll during the Maryland State Fair. I found the results rather interesting. From the Maryland GOP press release:
Dr. Jim Pelura, Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party, released the following statement:
“When we came up with the idea of holding our first-ever presidential straw poll at the State Fair, we never expected such a large turnout. We were extremely pleased by the steady flow of people casting a vote in the straw poll, signing our petitions opposing the gas tax increase, sales tax increase, and illegal immigration, and picking up a “Don’t Blame Me…I Voted For Ehrlich” bumper sticker. We heard loud and clear that Marylanders are not happy with the direction of our state under one-party rule.”
Chris Cavey, First Vice Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party and Co-Chairman of the MDGOP’s State Fair Planning Committee, stated the following:
“The final vote showing Ron Paul won is a lesson for all campaigns of how grassroots politics can make all the difference. The Paul campaign repeatedly e-mailed their base of support to turn out at the State Fair to cast a vote for Dr. Paul, and in doing so, demonstrated that a small organized operation can beat the odds.” Cavey continued, “The Maryland Republican Party’s booth at the State Fair was a huge success. By contrast, the Democrat Party’s booth was a ghost town. Where were the Democrats? They were at our booth signing our petitions opposing tax increases.”
The Straw Poll results ended up as follows:
Ron Paul, 263 votes (28.9%)
Rudy Giuliani, 220 votes (24.1%)
Fred Thompson, 188 votes (19.8%)
Mitt Romney, 89 votes (9.8%)
John McCain, 54 votes (5.9%)
Mike Huckabee, 35 votes (3.8%)
Newt Gingrich (write-in), 17 votes (1.9%)
Tom Tancredo, 16 votes (1.8%)
Sam Brownback, 12 votes (1.3%)
Duncan Hunter, 3 votes (0.3%)
Bob Ehrlich (write-in), 3 votes (0.3%)
Other write-ins, 11 votes (1.2%)
I suppose that most disappointing to me is that there were only 911 votes when fair attendance was over 400,000. However, Ron Paul was pretty happy with the results and compared it to the "restrictive" Texas Straw Poll that he finished third in and Duncan Hunter won. I do have to hand it to the Ron Paul campaign as they've been the most responsive in getting me material and possibly a speaker for the upcoming Wicomico County Republican Straw Poll. It also surprised me because Mitt Romney is the candidate of many of the "establishment" Republicans in Maryland, another one being Rudy Giuliani. Finishing a distant and poor fourth had to shock the Romney supporters.
And in late breaking news about the Wicomico County Republican Straw Poll, Congressional candidate Joe Arminio is planning to visit and likely put a vote in for his own campaign. (One would hope so anyway. Wonder who he supports for President?) Meanwhile, I got word from the Andy Harris camp (just confirmed with Chris Meekins) that Harris will attend next weekend's Crab Feast sponsored by the WCRC. Apparently another Gilchrest opponent, John Leo Walter, is planning to attend the Crab Feast as well. Moving down the calendar, Wayne Gilchrest has his annual Bull Roast the following weekend (September 22nd), which is the first time I recall it not conflicting with our event - so I'm sure many Gilchrest supporters will be at our shindig if not Wayne himself.
From all of this news, one can infer that for Wicomico County political partisans it's a case of "welcome to the battleground."