Going for the throat
Every so often I have to just sit and shake my head.
As I usually do when I look at Facebook, I take a look at what various groups post on their pages. Last night I spied the Wicomico Society of Patriots page and found that Andrew Langer had posted a link to a Red Maryland article claiming Matthew Adams of Somerset County was behind a fairly new blog that seemingly, in the eyes of those on Red Maryland, exists only to bash them and those who work with that group, particularly my friend Jackie Wellfonder. The Red Maryland post, written by Mark Newgent, is based on photos from this post at the MD Watch site.
So I was appalled to see over 170 comments on that Facebook post, most consisting of a running argument between Langer and various local WMSOP members including Julie Brewington, who's had her own share of run-ins with Red Maryland leading to her naming by the blog as Maryland's least valuable conservative player.
Yet in reading all of the blow-by-blow regarding this situation, there's one question Mark Newgent, who's usually a pretty good investigative reporter, missed: who is the "we" referred to in the MD Watch post? Obviously Matt Adams was there at the Hogan event and I'll allow the allegation that he was in the Executive Committee meeting to take the unflattering photo of Jackie from behind to stand for the sake of argument, given the case put together by Mark.
But is it Matt Adams who is writing as a collective "we" of the Lollar campaign or did someone else use the photos attributed to Matt in writing the Hogan/Wellfonder hit piece, which is authored by "James"? "James" is one of the two attributed writers on the MD Watch site; the other is "Veracruz." Other posts have no attribution. Find out who "James" and "Veracruz" are and we'll get a long way toward solving some problems.
Lord knows I haven't often agreed with Matt Adams on many things - for example, he was a Diana Waterman backer - but I don't see the evidence he did anything but take the pictures and own the domain name to the administrative part of the Lollar website. I've figured out that the guys at Red Maryland don't care much for Matthew Adams and Julie Brewington (and seem to have a pretty dim view of the Lollar campaign in general) but I don't see the leap to the accusations they made in their post. We may find out the owner(s) of MD Watch have nothing to do with any campaign and just like stirring crap. If so, sad to say they did a good job.
Then again, as poorly written as that MD Watch website is I would probably hide behind anonymous pseudonyms, too. Rehashing press releases is one thing, and I often use excerpts myself. But at least I try to advance conversation with them. And, for heaven's sake, use spellcheck and proofread!
However, I do agree with a point Andrew Langer made in the long Facebook discussion - where is Julie Brewington in condemning the Wellfonder photo, particularly given Julie's past history with being the subject of leering, candid photos, or shots she was the subject of but thought better about later on? I get the "freedom of speech" part, but don't act the victim then when it's pointed at you.
When I write, I try to use facts and learned opinion in my argument. My learned opinion of the Wellfonder photo is that it was garbage and doesn't belong in a serious discussion. If anything, I would suggest that there's a little jealousy of Jackie in play here, since she's rather rapidly become part of the insider GOP crowd in the state. To make fun of her size, well, I thought we got past that once we left junior high. (And yes, I'm on the portly side too. Jackie likes her Starbucks, I like my chocolate.)
Still, it's unfortunate that there's no shortage of bad blood these days from a few who apparently fall within the tent of Charles Lollar supporters directed at Jackie, who's doing her best to make a living at disseminating the campaign knowledge she's learned over the last few years. She's starting small, running a Delegate race, and so far seems to be successful with her instincts. We'll see how it all works out come June, both in the Delegate race she's running and her bid for our county's Central Committee, which wasn't news to me. Guess I won't be on the bottom of the ballot this time.
Red Maryland is what it is; we've had our differences and I'm sure they may crop up again. Personally, I have to say these two wrongs don't make a right.
You know, I'm not from Maryland, so I didn't really know a lot about the whole blue crab thing growing up. (But I know what a buckeye is, both the object and the food product.) One tidbit I've learned since moving here, though, is that a group of crabs, when caught in a crab pot, will work together in one key respect: to pull down the leader who tries to escape. Obviously that's good for those who are looking for dinner, but Maryland Republicans seem to have this crab mentality down pat.
We can argue now, but I want to make sure that on June 25 it's full speed ahead getting rid of the Democratic dominance in this state. I know some will protest about my choice of words and say they should have the right to defend themselves, but I think most would agree that petty crap like this has to come to a halt. Just remember who perpetuates it henceforth.