Geez, people will think we set this up!
Yes, that was me on "Robinson on the Radio". Actually I was trying to call in before Albero got on but he beat me to it.
Honestly, I think John's more comfortable without a guest on. Yeah, he took a call from his mom but you got to start someplace. I've suggested before that maybe he should work in half-hour segments so perhaps he could have a guest for the first half-hour and then take calls after the bottom of the hour break. If the guest wants to stay and answer questions he/she could or just say his/her piece and go home.
What's funny is that us Salisbury-area bloggers seem to get a disproportionate amount of airtime on John's show. I suppose that comes from being an "opinion leader" as Rep. Gilchrest called me once in a letter I received from his office. Something tells me I'm going to get another one soon.
If John wants his show to survive and thrive in a sort of difficult time slot for talk radio (people tend to lose focus on issues in the late afternoon because they're looking forward to the end of the work day - particularly on Friday) he'll need to find a way to connect with the audience. He's done that reasonably well with me so far because I want to listen to what political leaders and candidates have to say. But after the municipal election John won't have that built-in interest of people trying to decide who to vote for, so he'll need to study up on the issues people care about.
I understand his point about the first couple weeks' go-round with the candidates and political/media leaders being a crash course in learning what the hot topics are. After next week, he won't have those training wheels and the show will stand or fall on the merits of its host and interested callers.
Except for Fridays, I'm at work during the 3-4 p.m. slot. As I've pointed out before, I'm a "dittohead" so Rush is on my radio from 12-3. In order to keep me from putting my headphones back on and resuming my enjoyment of the headbanger music I listen to at work, John needs to keep his show compelling. Now that he's starting what one may consider a post-special-guest phase, keeping my interest may be a challenge, but I'll continue to give him an opportunity for awhile.
Finally, I would like to give him praise for one thing. It's obvious to those who read me that I'm a partisan and consider myself a "reinventionist" Republican, one trying to place the party closer to the ideals espoused by our Founding Fathers about government close to the people. Thus, I know that I disagree with many Democrats and even a lot of folks in my own party on some issues (like the Long War). But I agree that the disagreements should be friendly and debate kept civil. Agreeing to disagree goes a long way, and keeping communication open continues an opportunity to finally make people see things in the proper fashion.
Oh, one point I didn't get a chance to make. I know us bloggers are looked at as evil people who can only throw brickbats at the elected officials and don't do much in the community, but today I took the day off work so I could let the people in my little neighborhood know that I wish to represent them on the Wicomico Neighborhood Congress and would like to help form a neighborhood association. So a few of you reading may have seen a bright blue flyer on your door - that was me. And yesterday I volunteered to work at the upcoming Pork in the Park barbeque festival and the weekend after that I'll again participate in the Ben Layton walk because it was so fun last year.
Maybe people don't agree with me or my blog politically, but I challenge them to get off their couches, turn off "American Idol", and do something to make a difference in the community. I don't have a whole lot of talents, but the ones I do have I try to take advantage of and help out, whether it be here on monoblogue or in the community at large. We bloggers have a tendency to do that, nasty comments by some political figures notwithstanding.
I've come to love this area I live in, and want to keep it a good one. Each and every one of us can participate in the process if we choose to.