Fun with Obama
I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats (well, okay, in truth I've never seen the Broadway show but that's how the phrase goes) when I was e-mailed this video from my buds at Our Country Deserves Better:
I like how they put the commercial together, placing the emphasis on experience first and then highlighting some of Barack Obama's many gaffes, flip-flops, and misstatements. (Had they added "Slow" Joe Biden, the commercial would be another ten minutes longer - "Stand up Chuck!")
The one drawback to this OCDB spot is that it's pretty much destined to be an internet-only spot because of its extreme length. I understand that you can't make a 30 second commercial out of Obama's running mouth but perhaps they could have used some of the better highlights like the "57 states" and "above my pay grade" portions for something shorter.
But you can show this one in 60 seconds, and what makes it better is that Hillary Clinton does a lot of the dirty work:
This may be why a lot of Democrats who supported Hillary are lukewarm at best about Obama, and why Operation Chaos was such fun as it unfolded during the spring. This is actually the more effective spot in many ways, unfortunately Hillary has fallen out of the limelight a little bit. I must say though she's not exactly gung-ho for Obama and it'll be interesting to see how much help HillPAC is to him as opposed to their other chosen Congressional candidates, who I added to my watch list.
Last weekend I interviewed OCDB spokesperson Deborah Johns (who you saw in the Hillary spot) and earlier this week we may have found out one reason why she omitted the lone Maryland stop on her original itinerary - a Rasmussen poll had Barack Obama leading John McCain by 23 points in our state (h/t Danny Reiter at PolitickerMD.) It's not completely unexpected with a heavily minority population that Obama would do well here but I was hoping it was a little closer than that. However, we still have a little over five weeks to go and Barack has plenty more opportunities to trip over his tongue again (and again, and again...) Unfortunately, it's freeing up Maryland Democrats to work in Virginia and Pennsylvania - on the other hand they're not toiling for Frank Kratovil. (That must be what the DCCC's million dollar ad buy is for, let TV do the shoe leather work. Go right ahead.)
I'm all for letting the Democrats think they have things in the bag, though. It makes for nastier surprises for them on November 4th. Our side has been given the lower expectations all along by the partisan media so if the Democrats lose we'll have a ball listening to their excuses.