Friday night videos episode 6
I needed to skip a week to have a good selection of stuff, plus last week was 9-11 plus 8. So here's episode number 6 in this ongoing series.
I don't pledge allegiance to the debt, but this spot from a group called Defeat the Debt makes a point about those who seem to.
Another look at the size of government courtesy of the Center for Individual Freedom:
I'd love to know how you get 1/3 of a child, let alone the .15 of a kid. Still, it's a humorous way to make a sobering point.
Before the 9-12 protests, do you think Democrats were happy to return back to Washington? The National Republican Congressional Committee thought so. It's sort of a town hall greatest hits.
It's too bad they didn't add the fun Frank Kratovil had to the mix, but I guess 4 minutes was plenty. Certainly it was for the song.
The same rules apply on this NRCC effort. It must be hard work trying to figure out how to shaft taxpayers so I guess these Congressional Democrats are just a little testy!
On the other side, the TEA Party Express was moving during the last two weeks, inexorably heading across the company to meet up with the 9-12 rally. The video is a report from WJBK-TV, the Fox affiliate in Detroit.
True to Fox, they covered both the protest and counter-protest. The next video may be one of the best short videos for getting the flavor of the 9-12 protest in Washington, D.C.
Two of the speakers at the 9-12 protest were Congressmen Mike Pence of Indiana and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee. The Washington News Observer caught up to both and spoke to them regarding the health care fight.
While I really like and respect Mike Pence, having heard Marsha Blackburn - for her my jury is still out. I get fed up with a call for "bipartisanship" because a bad idea is a bad idea. That sort of "new tone" got us No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D.
One more fun one. A few weeks ago I put up a video called "Health Rations and You" from the mythical (or is it really?) Health Administration Bureau, so I just had to put up the sequel from the Sam Adams Alliance.
And so another episode of Friday Night Videos comes to a close. It's good for you, you know.