Friday night videos - episode 57
The things I have sent to me...oh boy.
Of course, a sore subject on our side is President Obama's State of the Union address, to which Renee Giachino of the Center for Individual Freedom responds.
"Tired and disproven ideas." Got that right. By the way, the owner of that building needs a handrail on that stair in the background.
But maybe the President was trying for one of these, great moments in liberal history.
Let's hope that works right or it'll be a bad moment in monoblogue history.
Americans for Limited Government pays homage to Ronald Reagan by pointing out "taxes should hurt."
Yes, he would have been 100 years old Sunday.
Since it was Groundhog Day earlier this week, the people at the Sunlight Foundation found it the ideal time to seek lobbying reform.
My idea of lobbying reform: get the money out of Washington through lower taxes! See how I tied those together?
The next video deserves a warning label for graphic violence, definitely NSFW. This is the punishment Islam metes out for adultery?
Since this is from Afghanistan, I would hope this is representative of the Taliban enemy and not our allies there - otherwise, there's little point in staying.
I'd prefer a little more cheer in a war zone, and this video reminds us that making our soldiers laugh is important for morale.
To finish, here's one from someone more representative of tolerance. Recorded at the Refuge, here's Not My Own with "Giver Take."
Until next time...