Friday night videos - episode 56
Coming back at'cha with a lot about Obamacare and the prospects for repeal.
How about beginning with this commercial brought to you by the "Defeat Obama Campaign" - it's a part of the Our Country Deserves Better PAC umbrella:
I'm all for defeating Obama. Newt Gingrich doesn't wish to stop there, though. He has his ideas on what else the House should do. This comes from Human Events.
Targeting the 23 Democratic Senators up for re-election in 2012 may be working - at least two (Kent Conrad of North Dakota and former VP candidate Joe Lieberman) have decided to retire rather than run again.
And the Center for Individual Freedom claims this the beginning of the end of Obamacare.
But what would replace Obamacare? Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia has some ideas, and he spoke to Americans for Limited Government about it recently.
You may need blood pressure medication yourself after watching this video. It's from last February but represents how Washington watches out for itself - corporatism at its finest.
Nice work if you can get it, right?
Some of you may be familiar with the term "Darwin Award", facetiously given to someone who offs him- or herself in some bizarre manner before they can damage the gene pool by passing on stupidity. Well, this person may be one to watch as a future recipient.
On the original post I saw this at, people are debating whether he hit 195 mph as he claims. Me, I'm debating whether he'll take someone out with him or manage to only kill himself when he wraps a car around a tree. I guess it's a good thing he's trying to sell the Corvette.
I was in the mood for something I hadn't heard in awhile, so I picked out something from October 2009. This was one of my first music videos from my friends in Semiblind, and I believe it's the only one where they're doing one of their original songs. Yes, the sound is a bit rough.
If you know an agent who specializes in getting bands a place to play, please hook Semiblind up so they can write more originals! Love that guitar lick in the middle of the song.
Well, until next time, enjoy the rest of your Friday night!