Friday night videos - episode 41
It's back to the political for this edition of FNV, and I have plenty to choose from since I took the extra week.
You know, Americans aren't happy with their government and its spending. So says the Senate Republicans.
Nice of them to use some video from my old hometown - the part about Senator Voinovich was taken from WNWO-TV, the NBC affiliate in Toledo.
As a matter of fact I find this next video pretty funny. The vain stumbling in search of a thought is the best part.
Sure Bob Ehrlich put it out, but when you're caught you're caught.
Even more funny is this spot for a phony product. Fortunately, I'm not in the market for it.
I still want the sticker I've seen which says: 'You voted for Obama? Thanks a lot @$$hole!'
One group which still supports Obama and his agenda is the NAACP. While it smacks of 'gotcha' journalism, sometimes these guerrilla efforts are the best way to get the truth.
Human Events did the video, so consider the source before you demean the message.
Here's another example of 'gotcha' journalism. But imagine if it were a pro-life group disseminating incorrect information - would you not see someone like Geraldo Rivera all over it?
I guess considering the fetus 'medical waste' makes it all better?
The next two videos are an impassioned plea from Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal regarding the oil drilling moratorium and jobs. This was at the 'Rally for Economic Survival.'
If Governor Jindal can continue being a leader, he may yet be a factor in 2012. Do you wonder if President Obama is trying to make him look bad as a potential opponent?
I'm saving the best for last. Americans for Limited Government took time to remind us that next February marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of an American who fought for limited government as much as he could.
Ronald Reagan's message seems a good way to bring this edition to a close.