Friday night videos - episode 39
Whew! After a week of political developments it's nice to wind down this one with some good video.
Dan Mitchell of the CATO Institute takes a few minutes to come to an obvious conclusion - government is too large to sustain economic growth.
Another look at the dismal science in a more humorous vein comes from the folks at Bankrupting America.
Oh, take the earmuffs off. It helps to get the sound for the next several videos. Another way to get a message across is to walk the walk, as Matthew Perdie did - for 3,500 miles coast to coast, ending July 4th.
Something tells me this will be a movie, coming soon.
Then again, given the intelligence of some people in this country about our roots they may think the walk was to celebrate our right to watch fireworks. This is a "Jaywalking" segment regarding July 4th.
Obviously, they picked the worst offending answers out for airing, but making this into a 6 1/2 minute segment shouldn't have even been possible. Perhaps freedom and liberty can be best achieved at the moment by repealing Obamacare. Renee Giachino explains in this edition of the Freedom Minute.
Finally, this comes from a group of Marylanders fed up with our Governor - you can add me in to the "furlough Owe'Malley" crowd too.
There's no music video this week because my next episode of FNV will be all music videos, so be on the lookout for that!