Friday night videos - episode 36
Kicking back and relaxing on a warm summer night - take your time with these videos. Perhaps you're like me and do a lot of your web surfing outside.
You know, that Joe Sestak job offer scandal is still percolating around Washington, casting a shadow on the Obama Administration.
I know the Center for Individual Freedom generally exceeds its "Freedom Minute" but it's worth watching.
Something that probably won't be worth watching is an upcoming Comedy Central show called "JC." It's a show I wrote about for Patriot Post and begs the question - is America ready for more Christian-bashing out of a network which was afraid to portray the prophet Muhammad? (Probably NSFW if you're there.)
Yeah, that was pretty disgusting. Speaking of disgusting, let's have the reaction of folks on the left to this guy becoming violent at a Tea Party protest in North Carolina.
Oh, I forgot, it's the Tea Partiers who are violent. That might be the next thing Obama blames Bush for, and the background music is priceless. (I actually used the Smokin' Gunnz version of the song a few weeks back.)
Yeah, I got that from Eric Cantor's office. But it was good. On a more serious note (and since Obama referred to the Deepwater Horizon spill) the next two videos feature American Petroleum Institute chief economist Dr. John Felmy discussing the effects of the Gulf drilling moratorium.
Of course, some of these jobs could've gone to newly minted graduates - ALG talked to some recent ones about the youth job situation and 26.4% unemployment.
As always, let's close with a song. Local artist Bryan Russo has a jazzy flavor on this song as he takes a trip to the 'Smokey Cafe.' Don't think I've ever embedded a Vimeo before.
With that, another episode of FNV is a wrap.