Friday night videos - episode 31
Back to politics again after my foray into local music. Let's see what I can dig up here, all right?
The other day it was Earth Day and needless to say I don't go in for the hype - neither does Mario Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Three guys who were too much into Earth Day are Senators John Kerry, Lindsey Graham, and Joe Lieberman. They are a creative bunch, though, as they spin cap and tax. Again, from CEI:
Speaking of big government, the Environmental Protection Agency has a video contest going to explain why government regulations are a good thing. Needless to say, someone had to poke fun at it - why not the gang at Americans for Prosperity?
This spotlight is on a group which wants government regulation (in the form of higher taxes) to fatten their coffers.
Perhaps the Maryland GOP can borrow this from their California brethren?
Instead, our state is faced with too many voters like this group Bob McCarty found at an Illinois rally.
This is the same rally where TEA Partiers were greeted by a riot squad.
A protest of a different sort occurred right here in Maryland. Disaffected workers in the film industry aren't too happy with our present governor - WBAL reports.
Newt Gingrich always has something to say as well. Here he talks about President Obama's "secular socialist machine."
I wrote about Daniel "The Whig Man" Vovak earlier this week as he proposed to legalize pot. Nick Gillespie of the Reason Foundation agrees.
But I didn't forget local music! Here's the hard-rocking Christian group Not My Own recorded live (not by me) at Circles in Milford, Delaware.
Until next time, that's a wrap.