Friday night videos episode 3
I'm going to start with an oldie but a goodie - I guess this would be considered the "classic" video. Barack Obama is shown here addressing a Big Labor conference in 2003 telling them we need a single-payer health system.
And then we have another Democrat from a safe liberal district who's sure that Obamacare will pass. It's from the Washington News Observer.
I like the guy in the background with the several signs. We used to do that at Republican gatherings when the candidate would speak on camera. But Congressman Lee might be surprised when the votes are counted unless the Blue Dogs want to dig their political graves.
I've had the opportunity to use the Clews-Todd Report before but passed it up. Carter Clews and Don Todd work for the Americans for Limited Government group and this week they discuss Obama's sinking poll numbers. I also liked the Ellen Sauerbrey reference midstream, noting she won the Governor's chair in Maryland until Baltimore recounted.
You may recognize a picture in the next video, although the one I took was at a different angle. It's nice how the Democratic National Committee used a couple area pictures because the portion with the "birther" occurred in Delaware (the man she's speaking to is Congressman Mike Castle.) As I noted in a comment yesterday, if you can't refute the message kill the messenger.
Shows what the DNC thinks of us - perhaps it's time to knock them off their high pedestal. So those of us who love liberty are an "angry mob", huh? I got your angry mob right here, and look who's in the middle.
It's noteworthy as well that the Democrats have an issue with the Republicans using their franking privileges and wish to play editor on what the Democrats feel puts them in a bad light. Rep. John Carter explains in a video from the Washington News Observer:
I thought the Democrats were all about the First Amendment. Guess not.
Finally, I love the use of humor to make a point. Those Democrats are SO serious.
This video comes from the Sam Adams Alliance, and it's a great play from those old instructional films we saw when we were kids.
Yes, I placed a lot of health care stuff in this week but that's the top issue of the day. In the never-ending campaign American politics has become the effective use of video is key to swaying the great undecided on issues - particularly when the great majority of Americans are satisfied with their current health care situation. But then they're just an angry mob, aren't they?