Friday night videos episode 25
Bringing back the FNV franchise again after a week off, so let's see what the extra week has given me to work with.
Lots of video on the health care debacle, as you might expect. Pollster Scott Rasmussen talks to the Washington News-Observer on the upcoming midterm elections and about how unpopular Obamacare really is:
It wasn't too popular among this group either. My blogger friend Bob McCarty (who lives in that area) covered the counter-protest to President Obama's health care show in St. Charles, Missouri.
If I didn't put this on when it first came out, I sure missed out. This edition of FNV will be graced by the common sense of Rep. Mike Pence, perhaps my favorite member of Congress.
But the Democrats do reveal the facts about their health care bill.
Speaking of leading Democrats, in a couple weeks we're going to see the third edition of the TEA Party Express, which begins in Searchlight, Nevada (Harry Reid's hometown.) Mark Williams of TPX3 wanted to have a conversation with MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan but you can see how the left expresses "Anger in America."
And if you're interested in saddling up and heading out west, they have an interesting lineup to start their tour - wonder how many will be there for the other stops?
Let's finish the political end of FNV with something humorous. We can laugh about this now that this half of the globe is actually warming (with a corresponding cooling on the other side - funny how that works, huh?)
Now the fun part. This comes from one of my favorite regional bands and was recorded live at the Trocadero Theater in Philadelphia (unfortunately, not by me.) Hailing from Smyrna, Delaware, this is 13:1.
If you go to their website, crank out 'No Goodbyes.' (Feel free to do so with their other songs if you wish, too.)
With that, we put another FNV in the books. That was fun.