Friday night videos - episode 2
I liked doing the first one so much last week that I'm doing it again this week. This will be a mix of summer reruns (that is, videos which may be a couple weeks old or more) and new stuff.
I'm going to start out with a powerful video which details a man-made natural disaster. You may say there's no such thing but illegal immigration doesn't just take its toll on our economy - our ecosystem takes a hit too.
It's interesting when the desires of two disparate groups intersect as they have in this case - preserving the environment and securing the border. Yet the environmentalists are more likely to scream about building the high wall the narrator deems as a better deterrent.
Another item I'm strongly against is the idea of "card check". I made mention back on Sunday that card check is coming back in a different guise, but this video from workers at a Dana plant tells about the mistruths and harassment union organizers resorted to in order to get those precious cards signed.
A news organization called the Washington News Observer caught up with former Senator and GOP Presidential candidate Fred Thompson recently, asking his opinion on how the new administration is doing. I tried to make the 4:09 video a little better sized because originally the vertical was out of proportion to horizontal.
WNO did a little better job with another leading conservative voice, Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana. To him, Obama is pretty much an epic fail and I agree.
One epic fail in the making is health care. Last week I had an ad from Americans for Prosperity and this week will make two in a row on health care:
Another WNO piece features Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan, who's critical of Obamacare as well.
His state's been hit hard by the economic downturn, so it may be the canary in the coal mine.
I don't know if these guys who be eligible for our health care system (Lord knows everyone else will be) but the gang at Move America Forward wanted to remind us that prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should stay there. This may qualify as a "classic" video since it was first released back in February.
Last but certainly not least, it's time for another TEA Party! A sister organization to MAF, the bus trip veterans from Our Country Deserves Better are doing it again. They must own stock in some oil companies in order to use all that diesel.
So another fun week of videos and it cleaned out my inbox for the most part. I'm having such fun doing this I may make it a continuing series - Lord knows I have no shortage of content!