Friday night videos episode 15
Since I skipped the weekend of Thanksgiving the return episode is bursting at the seams with stuff, so let's get cracking!
This one is short, sweet, and to the point. It could be the theme for most of my FNV episodes and it comes from one of my favorite Senators, Jim DeMint (via the Washington News-Observer.)
So - what IS going on?
My blogging friend Bob McCarty went into the belly of the beast recently, crashing a strategy conference for the HealthCare Now gang - yep, those fools who think single-payer health care is the answer. Tim Carpenter is Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America, and probably one of the seven people who voted for Dennis Kucinich for president.
And that's not all - Bob has a stack of articles and video of that conference you can find here. Bob also covered a St. Louis-area event called the "Million Med March."
Obviously Bob McCarty gets around, doesn't he?
And Americans for Prosperity gets around as well. Here's video from a recent town hall meeting with my state Delegates Jim Mathias and Norm Conway.
On a larger level, they'd also like a check so they can run this commercial on national TV. Heck, I'll run it and they're welcome to donate to my cause:
Seriously, this does make sense, particularly when the whole manmade climate change house of cards is tumbling down.
Looking forward to 2010, all indications are that immigration will be a hot-button issue. I can almost guarantee that Marc will be commenting on the statement by Rep. Steve King (this also from WNO.)
Somewhere there's a middle ground, but I don't believe in rewarding lawbreakers. I guess it comes down to what's considered punishment enough for their transgressions (hint: it's not letting them get away with it.) Of course, it may help if the federal government would get its act together, as Janice Kephart of the Center for Immigration Studies points out in this case study:
Then again, we have the OTHER gang that couldn't shoot straight in Washington. House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner points this out in a video, my third from the Washington News-Observer.
I'm sure that naysayers will be pointing out the recession began under President Bush (since his adviser Larry Lindsey is featured in this video) but let me remind you that unemployment normally was in the 5% range under him - not in the double-digits and climbing.
I like to save the best for last. One of my favorite writers is Ann Coulter because she has a biting wit and style which influences how I write. So I enjoy the fact I can share this with you both this week and next week, because it's in two parts.
You'll get to enjoy part two of Coulter next week, which will hopefully be just as good as this week was given the fact I'll have about half the material to work with. (That Washington News-Observer team was a busy one, wasn't it?) Until then, you'll just have to read my blog rather than watch it.