Friday night videos episode 12
Here we are again. Think I'll be talking about health care this time? You betcha!
But I wanted to start with a dedication to my friends over at Progressive Delmarva who like to put this facetious argument about my belief in limited government. This guy helps to put the lefties in their place. Again, my blogging friend Bob McCarty covers the story.
Okay, okay. Now we'll get to health care. Remember President Obama's campaign vow for "transparency"? The makers of this video did - so why the closed doors now?
And here's some more "transparency". Can't the public bask in the glow of the introduction of the new, improved House Obamacare bill?
Uuuuuhhhh....guess not. And if we do get Obamacare, will this be the standard of care?
This is part of a series of 8 (so far) videos that can be found here. Just think, a friendly operator will assist you. Yeah right.
Now for somebody who knows what he's talking about.
We hate to say "I told you so" but we did.
And now for something completely different. The rapper Ludacris was asked about the best part of being a celebrity, and I guess his answer puts him on the pro-Obamacare side.
Finally, these guys aren't rappers. But last weekend I happened to be in the tiny Eastern Shore town of Trappe and also happened to have my camera to take this video. It's not quite local music, but Denton is close enough: meet Perfecting Kate.
So for FNV episode 12, that's a wrap. And I didn't even resort to the trick (or treat) of a Halloween theme - hurray me!