Freshening links
Since it's sort of the calm before the storm as far as Presidential politics are concerned, I decided to go through my links this morning and make sure they're current. I culled about a half-dozen dead links, dropped the Tom Tancredo link off the Presidential category, and did some other pruning about the edges. In the case of blogs, I established a rule that they need to be updated at least once in the last three months or 12 posts in six months.
It drives me crazy when a blogger doesn't take the time to update his or her site on at least a semi-regular basis. (I guess I need to slap myself upside the head then since I haven't posted a Myspace blog post in awhile.)
Also, there are a few bloggers out there who have been nice enough to link to me but I haven't reciprocated. I'll have to check as I go through my feeds over the next few days and see who I owe. I generally will return the link unless I feel the website is devoted too much to personal attacks on a particular blogger. Unfortunately in this locality we have one of those sources that generates a lot of heat but little light and I'm not here to referee that contest.
I'm expecting in the new year I'll have other changes on monoblogue as I continue to build readership and stature. Hard to believe I've been at this blogging thing for almost three years and perhaps 900 posts, probably close to 1,000 with crossposting.