Expected: McDermott Tier Map repeal dies in committee vote
Update 2-21-13: Surprisingly, the Senate companion bill (SB391) received a vote in their Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. It failed 7-4, with the committee's three Republican Senators (Jennings, Reilly, Simonaire) being joined by Democrat Roy Dyson - that part was no shocker.
I knew this would primarily be a symbolic bill because Democrats in Annapolis weren't going to cede back any sort of planning control to the counties upon gaining it in 2012. But I was disappointed in the vote on Delegate Mike McDermott's House Bill 106 for two reasons: the lopsided 19-5 margin and the abandonment of common sense by two Republicans: Delegates Cathy Vitale and Herb McMillan, both of Anne Arundel County.
It's also worth pointing out on a local level that Delegate Rudy Cane, who is the Chair of the Agriculture, Agriculture Preservation, and Open Space Subcommittee within the Environmental Matters Committee, voted to retain a bill which won't do a thing to preserve agriculture - although it may increase the amount of "open space" as farms go bankrupt and become overgrown.
While there is a companion Senate bill, Senate Bill 391, the common procedure once a crossfiled bill is killed in one chamber is for the measure to either be withdrawn or simply not get a committee vote since the other chamber rejected it. We'll see if Senator E.J. Pipkin, who sponsored the bill, presses for a vote anyway to put people on the record.
Since the repeal bill was defeated in committee, it will be up to counties to now either defy the state's edict or go along with it. There is another bill pending - House Bill 1385, also sponsored by Delegate McDermott - to extend the deadline to July 1, but any artificial deadline defeats the purpose of localizing zoning decisions. Wicomico County residents will have their say on the issue Wednesday evening at 6 at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center; also worth mentioning for my Cecil County audience is they'll have a similar hearing on the Tier Map they already passed tomorrow night at 7:00 at the Cecil County Administrative Building, apparently because the state overlords don't care for it.
Finally, it's very likely that this HB106 vote will be one of the three Environmental Matters Committee votes I use for the 2013 monoblogue Accountability Project. So it looks like Delegates Hogan, Jacobs, Norman, O'Donnell, and Otto have an early lead on getting Legislator of the Year honors. I'd like to publicly thank them for voting for the people (and agricultural industry) of Maryland, even if it was in vain.