Enjoy your Labor Day!
After writing, blockquoting, or otherwise placing about 10,000 words over the weekend on next week's Delaware state elections, I'm taking a little bit of a break today. And since it is Labor Day, what better group to point out on this day of celebrating American workers than one of my favorites, the Center for Union Facts.
The video I'll leave you with is a couple years old, but Congress will certainly be debating the so-called Employee Free Choice Act in their next session. (It passed the House this time, but failed to achieve cloture in the Senate.) This Big Labor-backed provision, commonly referred to as a "card check", eliminates the secret ballot in union organization elections and allows the union to be installed if 50% plus one of the affected workers signs a card which states they wish to join. Obviously the prospect of intimidation exists with such a scenario - imagine if you went to your polling place and people were looking over your shoulder to see which candidate you voted for.
One piece of good news regarding card check is that the Bush Administration is reportedly issuing an Executive Order prohibiting the practice for certain government contractors.
So hopefully you are enjoying (or have enjoyed) what is turning out to be a pleasant and warm Labor Day here on the Eastern Shore. Just don't forget about those who aren't fortunate enough to have this weather as Hurricane Gustav bears down on Louisiana today.