Engage the purple shirts (and release the hounds!)
In the wake of the Madison showdown, the Service Employees International Union (affectionately known about these parts as the purple shirts) is holding a number of local rallies to show their support. I don't think they have the cajones to show up in Salisbury, so they'll be in friendlier Maryland territory - Annapolis.
The details are as follows (h/t to Ann Corcoran and Potomac TEA Party Report):
Time: 12:00 PM (Tuesday, February 22) Location: Lawyers’ Mall, Maryland State House Address: 100 State Circle – Annapolis, MD. 21401
What a way to sully George Washington's birthday - a real group of freedom fighters would be on Governor Scott Walker's side, not backing Wisconsin's 'cut-and-run' Democrats. But we know how the SEIU rolls, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see a few of their toadies in the General Assembly sneak out and show their support. (It would be even cooler for GOP members to mount a counterprotest - like these union thugs would vote for Republicans anyway. Our job is playing to the real people of Maryland who believe unions should be kept in check and do what they are supposed to do - organize workers, not play political games.)
As of this moment, the SEIU website shows 26 rallies in 22 states - mainly those where union presence is heaviest. A notable omission from the list is Virginia. Delaware isn't on the list yet, either; then again, Annapolis isn't all that far for them.
This would be a great opportunity for those TEA Party activists (well, the ones who aren't trying to make a living like yours truly) to bring your cameras and verify that these purple shirts act with decorum and respect for opposing views. Yeah, like that will happen - the 1-2" of snow predicted for Tuesday morning will arrive too soon to cover the mess they're sure to leave given the track record of lefty protests. It also may give the Anne Arundel County schoolteachers some cover if school is cancelled due to the wintry conditions. (Saves them from calling in 'sick.')
In the meantime, I stand with Governor Scott Walker. Maybe we'll find one of those cut-and-run Democrats hiding in Annapolis at the rally - if so, make sure he or she is returned to Madison, Wisconsin.