Election Calendar - September 25 thru October 8
Not too much new on the Election Calendar this week. Have no clue why. Maybe it's because we're almost to the new month.
Monday, September 25: As is customary, the Wicomico County Republican Club will have its monthly meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Building, 144 E. Main Street in Salisbury. Social time at 7 p.m., meeting begins at 7:30. Wicomico County Council at-large candidates John Cannon and M.J. Caldwell will be the speakers.
Tuesday, September 26: I'm not sure if it's too late to RSVP for this, but the Public Awareness Forum at the Holly Center will get underway at 8:00 a.m. and run through 9:00. It will be held in the gymnasium of the Massey Activities Building, 926 Snow Hill Road in Salisbury. District 38B House of Delegates officeseeker Bonnie Luna and Clerk of the Courts candidate James Gillespie have this event on their respective schedules.
Wednesday, September 27: No events scheduled.
Thursday, September 28: Delaware State Treasurer (and also monoblogue-linked blogger) Jack Markell formally begins his re-election campaign in Georgetown at the Old Sussex County Courthouse at 8:30 a.m. (his first stop.) Also having this on his calendar is Delaware's U.S. Senator Tom Carper.
Friday, September 29 and Saturday, September 30: No events scheduled, but I wouldn't be too surprised if candidates are campaigning at a local high school football game.
Sunday, October 1: Delegate Jim Mathias hosts a "Meet the Candidate" get-together from 1 to 3 p.m. and again from 4 to 6 p.m. at Occasionally Yours, 10514 Racetrack Road, Berlin.
Monday, October 2: No events scheduled.
Tuesday, October 3: In talking with the folks at PACE yesterday, I found out that there's a candidate forum on the SU campus that night in the Wicomico Room of University Center. It starts at 7:00, and if you're like me and can't be there it's also being taped for PAC-14.
Wednesday, October 4 through Friday, October 6: No events scheduled.
Saturday, October 7: I believe this is a fundraiser, but State Senator Richard Colburn is having a dinner at the American Legion #91 post in Cambridge at 6:00 p.m. More details as they become available.
Sunday, October 8: No events scheduled.
Upcoming on WICO's Bill Reddish morning show, 7:40 to 8:00 a.m.:
September 25: City of Salisbury District 2 Councilwoman Debbie Campbell. September 26: District 38 State Senator J. Lowell Stoltzfus. September 27: Wicomico County Sheriff candidate Kirk Daugherty.
September 29: Wicomico County Council District 4 aspirant Bryan Brushmiller.
At the moment, there's no one scheduled for Thursday the 28th.