Election Calendar - September 18 thru October 1
It's baaaaaaack. As promised, here is the Election Calendar for the remainder of September as I have it from various sources. I also have decided to bring back Delaware events because there's a couple statewide candidates who will have events in Sussex County for those of you "north of the border." I know I get the occasional reader from there, so I'll add that in for this week at least (all the events are in the next few days.)
I'm also going to check my "alternate" e-mail I use for campaign e-mail lists to see who I need to get stuff from, I get quite a bit but some campaigns I've noticed as absent. And don't be surprised if I put in some breaking news from any of Maryland's six political parties, I've actually contacted three of the four so-called minor parties regarding an upcoming post.
Once again, if you're a new reader (and I've gotten plenty in the last few weeks) I post events which happen on the lower Eastern Shore (I define that as Cambridge south) and am resuming checking out Sussex County in Delaware for at least their statewide candidates. I do check the Virginia statewide stuff as well just in case one of their Congressional or Senate candidates finds themselves in Accomack County. Hasn't happened yet but you never know.
So here's the calendar. In this revised rendition I'm going to go in chronological order regardless of county, that makes more sense to me. When I begin to hear once again from Bill Reddish about political guests such as I did pre-primary, I'll place those at the bottom.
Monday, September 18: Delaware U.S. Senate candidate Jan Ting will speak at the Fenwick Island Lions Club at 12 noon. He's also scheduled a speaking engagement the next day for the Rotary Club at Sussex Pines Country Club.
Tuesday, September 19: On his calendar, Wicomico County Clerk of the Courts candidate James Gillespie has a candidate forum, but I'm not aware of the time or place. If he's slated to be there (wherever it is) I'm sure many more will be there too!
Wednesday, September 20: District 38B Delegate Jim Mathias is hosting coffee from 7:30 to 10 a.m. at Layton's Family Restaurant, 16th and Coastal Highway in Ocean City.
I also believe that the Wicomico County Democratic Club has their meeting that evening because I'm under the impression that they meet the third Wednesday of the month. I plug the Republican Club because I'm a member but people can hear the other side of things as well, right?
Thursday, September 21: Jim Mathias also has on his calendar the Ocean City Sunfest. I'm sure others will be there as well. This goes through Sunday the 24th.
Also during that day, Delaware State Treasurer Jack Markell will be making an appearance at Grotto Pizza in Seaford from 3 to 3:45 p.m. to share pizza and pop with interested parties. Grotto is right along Route 13 in Seaford - if you're coming from Salisbury and you go by the Wal-Mart you went too far.
And that night, James Gillespie has an appearance scheduled at the Urban Salisbury Crab Feast. According to the Urban Salisbury website, that starts at 5:00 p.m. at City Bistro.
Friday, September 22: No events scheduled. I get another year older.
Saturday, September 23: Two events I plan on attending on this day:
The J. Lowell Stoltzfus "Picnic in the Park" will not be in the park, but in the Midway Room of the Wicomico Civic Center. This runs from 1 to 4 p.m. and cost is $30. The honored special guest is Maryland U.S. Senate candidate, Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele. I'm sure the local GOP contingent will be well-represented.
Then from 3 to 7 p.m. the "Your Vote, Your Voice" event will be held at Salisbury University. Two candidates who have this on their calendars are the aforementioned James Gillespie and also Maryland U.S. Senate hopeful Kevin Zeese, the Independent Unity candidate(Green/Populist/Libertarian). A political event in Red Square? Hmmmmm. Besides that, I want to know: what local bands will be there?
Sunday, September 24: No events scheduled.
Monday, September 25: As is customary, the Wicomico County Republican Club will have its monthly meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Building, 144 E. Main Street in Salisbury. Social time at 7 p.m., meeting begins at 7:30. I'm not sure who the speaker is yet this month, I'll likely know by next week if not before.
Tuesday, September 26: Another event I've been invited to and will likely attend, this is the Public Awareness Forum at the Holly Center. This continental breakfast gets underway at 8:00 a.m. and runs through 9:00. It will be held in the gymnasium of the Massey Activities Building, 926 Snow Hill Road in Salisbury. I bring this up not for me, but for the fact both District 38B hopeful Bonnie Luna and Clerk of the Courts candidate James Gillespie have this event on their dockets as well.
Wednesday, September 27 through Saturday, September 30: No events scheduled.
Sunday, October 1: Delegate Jim Mathias hosts a "Meet the Candidate" get-together from 1 to 3 p.m. and again from 4 to 6 p.m. at Occasionally Yours, 10514 Racetrack Road, Berlin.
This is what I have for now. I'm sure over the week I'll get more. Kudos to the candidates as more and more put their calendars on their websites!