Election Calendar - October 23 thru November 7
Just about two weeks to go, I'm just going to take this up to Election Day now. Next week will be the last scheduled update with breaking news as I hear about it. At the moment there's not a lot to add.
Monday, October 23: It's time once again for the Wicomico County Republican Club's monthly meeting, at the usual place of the Chamber of Commerce building at 144 E. Main Street. As always, social time at 7:00 p.m. and business/speaker at 7:30. I found out today that other people didn't get a reminder card either so I haven't a clue who the speaker is. My suggestion (for what it's worth) would be for each candidate in attendance to speak 60 to 90 seconds to update us on his/her campaign and where they need help for the final push.
Tuesday, October 24: District 38B hopeful Bonnie Luna is scheduled to be at the Delmarva Republican Club meeting at the Carousel in Ocean City.
On that same night beginning at 6 p.m. Luna's opponent, appointed incumbent Jim Mathias holds a fundraiser at Fresco's, 82nd Street in Ocean City. It runs through 8:00 and donation is $100.
Also, County Executive candidate Rick Pollitt will drop by the College Neighborhood Association meeting that starts at 7:00, so if you live thereabouts here's a chance to see him.
Wednesday, October 25: A town hall meeting called "New Ideas to Better the Old Line State" is slated for the SU campus that evening. This is to introduce the book by the Maryland Public Policy Institute, "Maryland 2006-2007: A Guide to the Issues". This starts at 6:30 and runs until 9:00 in the Worcester Room of University Center on the SU campus, and PACE is a co-sponsor.
And of course Charles Jannace will be up to his usual Wednesday night open house of sorts at Break Time Billiards on South Salisbury Blvd.
Thursday, October 26: Rick Pollitt will be at another neighborhood meeting, this time it's the Camden Neighborhood Association's meeting that starts at 7:00 p.m.
Friday, October 27: I'll be manning the local GOP headquarters that afternoon.
Saturday, October 28: Again, this is one of those sort of events that draw candidates like flies, but Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park is hosting their Octoberfest and one of those who are supposed to be there is County Executive candidate Charles Jannace.
Sunday, October 29: Wicomico County Sheriff candidate Mike Lewis is hosting a "Barn Dance and BBQ" fundraiser at 23985 Ocean Gateway in Mardela Springs. The minimum donation is $50 a couple and tickets can be purchased by calling (443) 235-3648. This goes from 2-6 p.m.
Monday, October 30: County Executive challenger Charles Jannace will be among those at the NWA/BEACON Candidate Forum on Growth and Development. It's in the University Center at SU (Nanticoke Room) and goes from 7-9 p.m.
On that same night, the NAACP in Worcester County has a Candidate Forum. Now Jim Mathias's calendar (where I got the info from) shows the event at 9 p.m. but I have a hard time believing it starts that late. Hosting the event is the Snow Hill Firehouse.
Wednesday, November 1: One final go-round at Break Time for Charles Jannace.
And as always Bill Reddish was kind enough to send me another update last week for his standard 7:40 a.m. interview slot.
October 23: Wicomico County Council District 1 lady-in-waiting Sheree Sample-Hughes. October 24: Wicomico County Council District 5 officeseeker Joe Holloway. October 25: Incumbent District 37 State Senator Richard Colburn. October 26: Wicomico County Council District 5 hopeful, Ed Werkheiser. October 27: District 37B incumbent Delegate Addie Eckardt.
Finally, this is a plea for those of you who believe as strongly as I do that this election is probably the most important one in years and that you have a candidate (or candidates) you believe in, it's time to get out and do some volunteering for that person. We have 15 days now since the clock struck midnight while I was doing this (I had to watch the World Series game you know.) Next week will be the last Election Calendar for this go-round, but updates will come as I hear about them.