Election Calendar - October 2 thru October 15
Once again, it's a pretty light calendar. I think people are still catching their breath a little bit from the primary because there's not been a whole lot of action. Of course, it's also assumed that each party has its base of support nailed down so all the effort goes toward picking up independents and they're more easily reached via the media.
But on to the calendar once again.
Monday, October 2: This is the local election day in Fruitland, a fact I was alerted to last week.
Tuesday, October 3: Candidate forum in the Wicomico Room of Guerrieri Center on the Salisbury University campus. It starts at 7:00, and if you're like me and can't be there it's also being taped for showing on PAC-14.
Wednesday, October 4: This is becoming a Wednesday night tradition. County Executive write-in candidate Charles Jannace holds court at Break Time Billiards, 1009 South Salisbury Boulevard in Salisbury. A Break Time event is on his website calendar through November 1st.
Thursday, October 5 and Friday, October 6: No events scheduled.
Saturday, October 7: I believe this is a fundraiser, but State Senator Richard Colburn is having a dinner at the American Legion #91 post in Cambridge at 6:00 p.m. I still haven't gotten confirmation on costs and such.
Also on that date, County Executive candidate Charles Jannace will have a "Twilight Cruise" fundraiser. It begins at 4:30 p.m. and cost is $100 per person. Contact Donna at (443) 523-7653 for more information.
Sunday, October 8 and Monday, October 9: No events scheduled.
Tuesday, October 10: PACE is sponsoring a Wicomico County Sheriff's Forum (Kirk Daugherty vs. Mike Lewis) at Wor-Wic College at 7:00 p.m. If I were to guess, I'd say that will also be on PAC-14 at a future date (because I can't attend that one either!)
Wednesday, October 11: As noted earlier, County Executive candidate Charles Jannace will be at Break Time Billiards.
There are no events currently slated from October 12-15.
Today I got a nice note from WICO-AM's Bill Reddish and he's sent me his scheduled 7:40 a.m. guests for the next couple weeks.
October 2: County Executive candidate Charles Jannace. October 3: State Senate District 37 candidate Hilary Spence. October 4: House of Delegates District 38A hopeful Patrick Armstrong. October 5: United States Senate candidate (and current Lieutenant Governor) Michael Steele. October 6: Current Delegate from District 38A Page Elmore.
October 9: Current Delegate from District 38B Norm Conway. October 10: Wicomico County Council at-large candidate John Cannon. October 11: Wicomico County Council at-large candidate Bill McCain. October 12: House of Delegates District 38B officeseeker Bonnie Luna. October 13: Wicomico County Sheriff hopeful Mike Lewis (tentative).
While it goes beyond my timeframe, Bill's already lined up two others for the following week.
October 16: Wicomico County Council District 3 incumbent Gail Bartkovich. October 17: Wicomico County Council District 4 candidate David MacLeod.
I swear if it weren't for Bill Reddish, there wouldn't be a whole lot of point in this exercise. I'm not getting a whole lot of cooperation from most of the candidates, so if you are one or know one, let them know about this Election Calendar. It's called free publicity, people! I've been getting about 700 readers a week so that's not chump change here.