Election Calendar: November 12-25
There's very little change in this from last week, it's almost a repost because of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I'm taking the liberty of adding an event just past the deadline because it's one near and dear to my heart.
Thursday, November 15 (tentative): Joe Arminio is slated to speak to the Dorchester County Republicans up in Cambridge.
Monday, November 19: This isn't a campaign event but according to the Maryland Board of Elections, this is the last day a voter can switch parties prior to the 2008 primary:
To change your party affiliation, submit a new voter registration application or a written request to your local board of elections. If you request a change in party affiliation after November 19, 2007, your request will be held at the local board of elections and processed when registration reopens after the Primary Election.
Monday, November 26: State Senator and 1st District candidate Andy Harris is the speaker for the Wicomico County Republican Club meeting. This is held at 144 E. Main Street in Salisbury; social hour is 7 p.m. and meeting begins at 7:30.
Still no Presidential sightings on Delmarva. Ron Paul came close yesterday with a rally in Philadelphia but that's about it.