Election Calendar - July 24 thru August 6
I really have very little to place on the calendar this week, as only two candidates have formally scheduled events on their dockets, and they're both District 38B contenders. You actually can save me the typing and just go to Jack Lord's and Bonnie Luna's websites, they are linked to the side. (I am curious how Bonnie will be two places at once on the 29th.)
There are at least three main events coming in the next two weeks. I'd love to have a member of the Wicomico County Democratic Club (or whatever it's called) confirm this, but I believe they normally meet on the 3rd Wednesday...that was the day of the Tawes event so perhaps they pushed that meeting back? I'd love to give them equality of opportunity. But equality of positive results is another thing entirely.
Anyhow, for those reading in Wicomico County:
July 24: The Wicomico County Republican Club meets in their usual monthly meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Building at 144 E. Main Street in Salisbury - social hour is at 7:00 and meeting starts at 7:30. Originally Rich Colburn, incumbent Senator from District 37, was slated to speak, and he will. But late word is that Wicomico County Sheriff candidate Mike Lewis will utter some remarks (and probably inspiring one-liners) as well.
July 27: NAACP candidate forum at the Mills Memorial Baptist Temple at 1323 Jersey Road in Salisbury. This one will feature those running for Sheriff, State’s Attorney, Judge of the Orphans Court, and the two central committees. So I'll be there (since I'm on the ballot for Central Committee) and hopefully the gentleman with the ten stickers and the gawdawful green O'Malley shirt will be there too, I thought his badge said Wicomico County Democrat Central Committee. Just keep that shirt at home, please.
August 3: Another NAACP candidate forum but this time the location shifts to the First Baptist Church auditorium at 528 Booth Street in Salisbury. The final of three forums the organization is sponsoring will focus on the General Assembly races.
Unfortunately, I don't seem to be getting a lot of help from the campaigns so the calendar is getting a bit thin. It's not worth a lot of time if I'm just finding relevant events from two contenders; not to say that their website calendars aren't useful but it may be more prudent for me timewise just to note that their calendars on their websites have these events and stick to the more public ones. You know, the Election Calendar is and remains a work in progress.
Now, as for Bill Reddish's WICO-AM morning radio show, I'm aware of the following scheduled guests. All of these are for Wicomico County offices:
July 24: District 4 Council candidate Neil Bayne. July 25: District 3 Council candidate Mike Pretl. July 26: District 4 Council candidate David MacLeod. July 27: District 5 Council candidate Ed Werkheiser. July 28: District 5 Council candidate Joe Holloway.
July 31: District 1 Council candidate Mac Hayward. August 1: District 4 Council candidate Bryan Brushmiller.
After that, we begin on the state offices, all of these are contenders for the House of Delegates District 38B seat:
August 2: candidate Bill McDermott. August 3: appointed incumbent Jim Mathias. August 4: candidate Sonny Bloxom.
If Bill Reddish happens to be reading this, I'd love the update on who's coming in the first week of August and also if he's managed to reschedule Martin O'Malley's slated appearance. (Late edit, I knew Bill would come through - and he's adding "issue interviews" in the 8:40 slot now where possible.) I believe it was last Wednesday that both he and Michael Steele were to be interviewed over the phone. Steele made his interview slot (a couple minutes late) but O'Malley never called in. Somehow I don't think that qualifies as "Leadership for Maryland."
A couple final notes: there will be no Political Calendar on August 13th, I'm going to be on vacation. So the August 6th one will probably creep a few extra days into a third week so folks can stay on top of things.
Also, astute readers of monoblogue might have noticed that there wasn't a Ten Questions on Friday. As I said, I've exhausted all of the responses I've gotten from Maryland candidates to date. You can click on the "Ten Questions" category in the upper left corner to catch those who have replied and those who got snarky remarks because they didn't.
So far I have 7 replies out of a total of 28 people for the Senate seat and none of 4 for the Maryland District 1 House seat. I have two people who I haven't sent the Ten Questions to because I just crosschecked my list vs. the state's and I'm two short. That will be rectified in the next couple days. So far I've gotten replies from:
Democrats (4): David Dickerson (July 7), Allan Lichtman (June 5), Dennis Rasmussen (June 30), and Mike Schaefer (June 20).
Republicans (2): Earl Gordon (July 18) and Daniel "Wig Man" Vovak (July 15).
Unity Campaign (Green/Libertarian/Populist): Kevin Zeese (July 8 ).
And I'm pleased to announce that I have 3 responses thus far to my Maryland General Assembly "Ten Questions." Look for these starting Wednesday, scheduled as follows:
July 26: District 38A Democrat Patrick Armstrong leads off the series. July 29: Fellow District 38A Democrat contestant Tony Bruce. August 2: District 38B Republican Jack Lord.