Election Calendar - August 21 thru September 3
As faithful readers of monoblogue have already discovered, I'm back in town. I actually have some thoughts to share on my trip to Pennsylvania and Ohio, perhaps this week I'll compile them and the pictures for a post. But for now it's a return to the Election Calendar, which this goround covers the span of time up to Labor Day weekend.
First and foremost, Tuesday the 22nd is the final day to register to vote for this year's primary. After that you're SOL.
I still have no more info on Jim Corwin's plans to be at a “Wicomico Crab Feast” on August 27.
Like last time, District 38B contenders Bonnie Luna, Jack Lord, and Sonny Bloxom all have events on their respective calendars. They still tend to conglomerate at a few events:
August 23-26: Great Pocomoke Fair (Lord, Luna). August 26: Mardel Republican Club Crab Feast (Lord, Bloxom).
Luna also has a candidate forum in Snow Hill on her calendar for August 29th, I'd be reasonably certain that the other 38B contenders would be there too seeing as it's a Worcester-based event.
Still upcoming as well are two events featuring Sonny Bloxom; the dedication of the Jordan Daycare Center on August 24th at 3:00 p.m. and Wor-Wic’s Annual Steak Out on August 25th. I believe both of these are at the Berlin Wor-Wic campus, hopefully Sonny will read this and correct me if I'm mistaken. And indeed he did, both events are at the Salisbury campus.
And I cannot forget that it's that time of the month - the regular meeting of the Wicomico County Republican Club occurs on Monday, August 28 at the Chamber of Commerce building (144 E. Main in Salisbury.) We'll begin the schmoozing at 7:00 p.m. and get to hear from Bonnie Luna (her again) about 7:30 or so. I'm sure almost every Republican that's on the Wicomico County ballot will be there. (Oh, and the person doing the club's website needs to see monoblogue for additional links I have that they don't.)
Also upcoming is a fundraiser for County Executive candidate BJ Corbin on August 31st, 6-9 p.m. This $50 event will be held at the Old Mill Crab House along Route 54 at Waller Road just west of Delmar.
You know, I honestly wish I'd get more input from Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, etc. on what they're doing. It's not like I don't look for their stuff but obviously I get more news from the GOP side. Love to know how the other sides live as well.
Finally, Bill Reddish of WICO came through for me again and submitted his interview schedule for the next few days. All of these take place in the half-hour from 7:30 to 8:00 a.m.
August 21: Mark Bowen (incumbent Democrat Clerk of the Courts) August 22: Rich Colburn (incumbent Republican District 37 Senator) August 23: Hilary Spence (Democrat candidate for District 37 Senator) August 24: James Adkins (Democrat candidate in House of Delegates District 37B)
By the way, Colburn and Adkins have already answered my Ten Questions, Hilary Spence should now have a copy. I think a few candidates may have blocked my original e-mail because I attached the TQ as a file instead of placing it in the body of the e-mail. Lesson learned.
Next week's Election Calendar will be the final one for the primary season. I'll take a couple weeks off from it and resume things the Sunday after the primary since we'll have eliminated the pretenders from the contenders at that time. That'll be the day after we in the GOP eliminate a few dozen crabs because our WCRC Crab Feast is the 16th at Schumaker Pond. (But any D's, Greens, Libertarians, etc. are welcome to join in.)