Eight is not enough (the monoblogue anniversary post)
Today marks the 3,615th post in the (now) eight year lifespan of this website.
If you haven't noticed, I'm heavily into milestones because to me they best represent certain points in life. For example, I usually mention the fact I'm on a post number with a multiple of 500 as it should be sometime in 2014 when I make it to 4,000. By the same token, almost every December 1st since this site's first anniversary in 2006 I've written a piece about where this enterprise has been and where it is going. Today won't be an exception.
One would have figured this to be a down year for monoblogue because it wasn't an election year in 2013, but the signs point to my readership actually increasing slightly. For most of 2013 the readership line on my Google Analytics stayed 10% to 30% ahead of 2012's numbers, aside from a barely slower summer this year. Unfortunately my Analytics was down for about a month last fall; however, I determined from looking at my StatCounter reports that naturally my October 2012 numbers were 58% higher than 2013's but those figures from November of last year vs. November of this year will likely be nearly identical once I get the summary later this week. So I would expect October 2014 to be a banner month, and the state probably did me a favor readership-wise by pushing the primary to June, which is generally one of my slower months. It won't be next year.
I chalk that increase up to being a better promoter of my work, although I think being named one of the country's best state-based political blogs by the Washington Post didn't hurt, either.
When I wrote this summary last year, I had two writing goals in mind for 2013. One was to finally make it to CPAC, and even though it was just for one day I indeed attended the venerable event held outside Washington, D.C. It allowed me to meet a number of my cohorts from around the country, which was a plus. Certainly it would have been more helpful in that regard if I could have made it to the Blogger's Bash, but when you are an hourly employee and work comes on someone else's time schedule sacrifices sometimes have to be made.
One way I was hoping to escape that economic necessity was by working on my second book; alas, I made very little progress on that front. Maybe I haven't sold myself on the idea I've chosen, which I think is unique but requires more dedication than I've given it. Perhaps I'll find a little more time in 2014 but honestly I'm not holding my breath with my current situation.
Yet I think there is a way I can provide a useful service. Not everyone agrees with my methods, and others pout about how they believe I judge moral equivalence, but those who exist behind the scenes and don't seek to grab the headlines or attention are perhaps the most loyal members of my fan base. If my numbers went up (or at least held serve) between an election year and a non-election year, that seems to indicate I have a fair idea of what I'm doing and have some talent. Never mind I've also outlasted dozens and dozens of Maryland political sites - go back to this list and ask yourself where the others went.
So the question becomes one of how I improve the situation to make myself more useful to the pro-liberty movement? I know readers have helped a little here and there by rattling the tip jar or buying my book - for some reason, November has been by far my best sales month of the year - and I certainly appreciate the support. But while monoblogue serves me as a great base to practice my craft, this enterprise isn't nearly enough financially - and that's all right. Unless people are going to start throwing a couple grand a month at me to advertise here, I really don't think that by itself monoblogue is going to be my financial savior. It's a hobby which takes on the average an hour or two of my day and it makes a small profit, so I'm okay with that.
But in reading a lot of the GOP candidate websites, I have to say that their writing style and conveyance of message leaves a lot to be desired. I've talked to insiders who complain about the same thing, and actually alerted one of the gubernatorial candidates about a glaring error in his platform, which has since been fixed. Yet when reading the websites on the other side, I don't often see these problems - the message may be counter-productive to the state as a whole, but it's presented in a readable way. So maybe I can be of service? I mean, I won't work for free, but I don't think I'll be all that expensive and proofreading is really your friend. Just let me know.
As for the site itself, I think it's in a pretty good place. It may need some freshening up in spots and those improvements will come as needed. On the front I just discussed I have a couple advertising leads from candidates, but I'd love some good ads for products and services which will appeal to a potentially large Maryland-centric audience. (I can think of a couple businesses which could use exposure throughout the state, but are locally centered around Salisbury. They would be great clients if they want to take the leap.)
One feature I think will become a jewel is the one I started recently called GO Friday. (The GO stands for "guest opinion.") It's off to somewhat of a slow start but there's true potential for growth there. GO Friday was intended to give voice to up-and-coming bloggers trying to build their own audiences out of my reader base, but it's open to anyone with a good opinion. It also gives me a breather to work on other avenues, such as the aforementioned potential writing tasks.
And don't think I'm abandoning some of my other features like Shorebird of the Week or Weekend of local rock. I think there's still plenty of mileage left in both, although the latter hasn't been as prominent lately.
When I started this enterprise, I said from the beginning it wouldn't be totally political because then I'd get burned out. There are days I've struggled to keep pace with my personal goal of daily updates (and I missed one this year because of an internet outage) but with that rare exception it's been one goal I've accomplished. Fortunately I'm not prone to writer's block and have something I want to say so the combination works well.
Anyway, this is where monoblogue is at as it begins its ninth year. Hope you enjoy the ride as long as I do.