Ducking the real question
For a television show which drew 11.8 million viewers for its season four premiere over the summer, 'Duck Dynasty' has become the topic du jour on everyone's lips. (Just as a comparison, the broadcast network show 'NCIS' drew about 19 million viewers the week of December 9.)
Before I continue, let me say I am not a regular viewer of the show; however, I have seen enough bits and pieces from having a 13-year-old devout follower of the series in the household to be familiar with the premise of the show, not to mention the four guys who look like stand-ins for a ZZ Top video. (Which makes sense, since the ZZ Top song 'Sharp Dressed Man' is the show's theme song.) Moreover, doing my outside job has made me aware that anything with the 'Duck Dynasty" logo and/or the Robertson family - and I mean anything - is available at most local stores, particularly Walmarts. There's no need to discount it like you might the remnants of a failed blockbuster movie or television series because the stuff has been flying off the shelves. (By the way, it should be pointed out this accrues to the benefit of the A&E Network.)
So what's amazing to me about this story is the reaction from a small portion of the interview, taken out of the context of the whole. But then again, in reading the piece, you feel like writer Drew Magary is holding himself one step away from openly laughing about how much of a bunch of Bible-thumping hicks this whole Robertson clan is, like Drew's really the smartest guy in the room and how did he ever get stuck with this assignment? I'll put up with them for now, the attitude screams, but wait until I get back to New York or Washington (or wherever Drew's from) and start writing this one, complete with plenty of NSFW language! The target audience of GQ - which is pehaps the older brothers of the now-infamous "pajama boy" - will simply see this as yet another reinforcement of how life in flyover country is something to be ignored, not emulated.
Honestly, I think people were caught off guard by the swift reaction from the LGBT community to the money quote from the story. There's no doubt in my mind the most radical among them were already bothered by the show's popularity because of its message of morality and lack of so-called "diversity" - it doesn't fit in with the usual politically correct pap which most network shows have become as they preach tolerance of all but a Biblical worldview. Come on, these guys say grace before they eat. Fearing this prospect of a boycott by a small but vocal minority, the A&E network suspended Phil from the show.
Yet if you read farther into the interview, you'll find this fate wasn't totally unexpected:
"Let’s face it," (Phil Robertson) says. "Three, four, five years, we’re out of here. You know what I’m saying? It’s a TV show. This thing ain’t gonna last forever. No way."
At this point, they are three months away from the 2-year mark (the show premiered in March 2012) but the overnight success of the show is probably at the crest of its wave - before too long, some other pop culture phenomenon will take over the public consciousness and 'Duck Dynasty' will be a footnote. An extremely well-marketed footnote, but a footnote nonetheless. It will certainly eliminate the talk about Phil's son Willie Robertson running for Congress.
Still, there is the question of how much backlash the radical LGBT crowd will receive from all this. Regardless of how crassly Phil Robertson put it, the truth is for most men women are far more desirable as partners. That's the reality. Try as the LGBT radicals might to redefine marriage and family, there's no substitute for biology and if guys want to carry on the family name, so to speak, they need a woman to help them out somehow. One might consider that God's plan. Certainly it would be preferred that the guys hang on to their desire until they find the right woman, get married, and settle down, but that's really going to take a sea change in societal mores on the order of a Great Awakening to occur - so start small like the Robertsons seem to be doing. Every little bit helps.
Those who complain about lack of tolerance might want to consider they're traveling on a two-way street. Erick Erickson wrote a good piece on RedState yesterday about the tendency of those offended to wish to "punish and destroy" opponents rather than exhibit the tolerance they demand.
For those who were determined to drive 'Duck Dynasty' off the air, it's obvious the idea of 'live and let live' is beyond their limited worldview.