DLGWGTW: November 19, 2017
In the spirit of “don’t let good writing go to waste,” this is a roundup of some of my recent social media comments. I’m one of those people who likes to take my free education to a number of left-leaning social media sites, so my readers may not see this.
Again, this looks like a two-part piece for tonight and Tuesday night.
You had to know there would be Democrat spin to counter with the GOP tax plan. It wasn't just the Harris townhall. So I had a question for Steny Hoyer:
Maybe you can answer this question. The Bush tax cuts went into effect 2001 and 2003, and Reagan's in 1983. Just how did tax cuts cause deficits when income tax revenue rose from $288.9 billion in 1983 to $445.7 billion in 1989 and $793.7 billion in 2003 to $1,163.4 billion in 2007 (before the Pelosi-Reid recession hit)?
There was plenty of money there, Too bad there were a lot of greedy hands that wanted to spend it.
A day later, Steny modified his propaganda offensive to point out the Republican opposition (based on the removal of state and local income tax deductions.) So some wag suggested we go back to the IRS code of 1956, marginal rates and all (when the top marginal rate was 90%.) So I said:
Okay, do I get the spending from 1956 too? You may have yourself a deal.
I reminded another it's about the tax rates:
This is why you work to lower your state and local tax rates, too. Why should the rest of the country subsidize their spendthrift ways?
In that same vein, to another comment:
I would bet what Steny is leaving out is that (Rep. Peter) King's constituents simply don't want to lose the state/local tax deduction or have the mortgage interest limits reduced. It's an issue somewhat unique to that area (high taxes + high home prices.)
As for the claim the GOP plan won't help taxpayers like me:
Nope. Did the back of the envelope calculations - we stay in the 25% bracket and the increased standard deduction is just about a wash for losing the three individual exemptions. Where we will gain is the increased child tax credit, especially since they jump the phase out past our income level. It's not a ton but it is more in OUR pockets since we don't itemize. (And if we did the child tax credit would still help.)
My favorite, though, was the guy who blamed Steny for losing the Democrat majority.
"Why did you give (the House majority) to the Tea Party?"
Maybe because they earned it? "The people who stayed home and didn't vote" didn't exist anymore so than they did in the 2006 midterm since turnout was slightly higher as a percentage of voters (41.8 to 41.3, per the United States Election Project.)
It was the people motivated to come out that did the Democrats in.
A few days later, Steny came out with some pollaganda that needed to be addressed:
Well, if you ask the question that way you can expect that answer. How about asking them what they think of their own tax cut?
So when someone sniveled that they liked their taxes just fine but didn't want tax cuts for millionaires because "the lost dollars will start a downward spiral of the economy," well, you know I had to do some edumacashun.
I personally don't care if millionaires get more tax cuts or not. Why should you? See, this is a teachable moment because your last statement tells me you have completely bought the notion that the government has first claim to our money, which is false - they do not perform the labor or create the value implicit in it, we do. There is no such thing as a "lost dollar" to them but there is to you and me.
He didn't even like the fact the economy added a lot of jobs because wages went down a penny.
You say the same thing EVERY TIME. It's like a broken record. And even the New York Times is admitting the wage loss is an anomaly. So what do you really have here besides a batch of hot air?
Once again, someone asserted that I'll "have to learn the hard way." Ma'am, I think I'll do the educating here.
Okay, let's go through this one point at a time.
"a giant giveaway to Corporations" - per the WSJ, about 2/3 of this package goes to corporations. Yes, $1 trillion may seem like a lot but it's spread over 10 years - and in a $20 trillion economy $100 billion a year is a drop in the bucket. Of course, that's a static analysis which doesn't account for gains in GDP thanks to new investment, higher dividends, and so forth.
By the way, companies that "raise executive pay and buy back shares of stock to raise prices" find they lose market share over time to those that invest more wisely. And to be quite frank, the companies earned it in the first place - the government did nothing but put its hand out and maybe was even in cahoots with the company.
The naysayers also seem to assume that this package will "cost" the government the full $1.5 trillion over the decade, when it's been properly referred to as "up to." It could be 1.3, 1.0 or maybe even a wash. Do yourself a favor and look up income tax revenues in the periods after large tax cuts - you may be shocked to learn something new.
If a higher debt actually led to higher interest rates, we should have had Carteresque interest rates throughout both Bush 43 and (especially) Obama. But we did not.
This package will significantly limit deductions, but the question is: how many middle-class people itemize? If you don't itemize deductions, which are often pegged to only apply if they add up to a significant percentage of income, then the changes which affect you most will be the expanded brackets at the lower end, the larger standard deduction, and the increased child tax credit.
"It likely cuts public services. It raises the specter of cutting Medicare and Medicaid." Speculation at best. Besides, many of the functions the federal government has usurped for itself should properly be done by the states.
"The very rich will pay less taxes..." Well, wait a second - I thought we were eliminating all these deductions. The high-end rate is still the same, but they lose out with the mortgage interest and second home changes, among other things. Not that it truly matters anyway, since the so-called "1%" pay a share of the tax bill that is almost double their share of income. As I have often told Steny and now tell you, the class envy card is not accepted at my establishment. On principle alone the government should not be entitled to anyone's estate just because they achieved their heavenly reward.
If the rich own 40% of the stock market, that means the rest of us own the other 60%. I don't begrudge wise investors their success.
Now I will concede the point that the rich "don't spend nearly as large a percentage of their income, as the middle class, and poor" to the extent that they don't spend the same percentage on necessities: i.e. they eat, drive, heat their home, etc. But I argue they do spend a significant portion of their income as the drivers who bring prices on certain items down for the rest of us, which is a less tangible benefit. They also donate the large sums of money to charity that we can't. (My wife's employer is a beneficiary - a local philanthropist donated $1 million toward their renovation and expansion. I know I couldn't do that.)
"It's a dumb and backwards plan, written by people who either, don't know what they are doing, or know it, but are prepared to lie about it."
Or you could be swallowing the lies. I just know what I have seen, and the most prosperity I recall under a president is when Reagan was in office. Second was Bill Clinton when Newt Gingrich ran the House.
The one constant is that we were always told Republicans do tax cuts for the wealthy. It's funny because I'm nowhere near wealthy but my taxes went down, too, and I put the money to good use.
Let this be a lesson to those who read here.
I quit picking on Steny for a bit, but I had an observation on someone else's writing:
It's been almost a year since Donald Trump was elected as President by enough voters in enough states to win the Electoral College. (This said to satisfy those on the Left who whine about Hillary winning the popular vote overall.)
But something I noticed right away upon his election was a change in economic outlook among the average Joes of the country, and it's something I am sensitive to. I was laid off from a great job in December of 2008 basically because of pessimism over how Barack Obama would handle the economy, seeing that we were in the depths of the Great Recession (or as I call it, the Pelosi-Reid recession.)
Eight years and a few months later, the good Lord blessed me with a return to that same great job because of optimism over how Donald Trump would fix a stagnant economy.
So I submit this as evidence of my suspicions.
I have also found out that even Andy Harris isn't immune to people who don't know about the benefits of tax cuts or limited government. They comment on his site, too. For example, the people who think killing the estate tax is a bad idea got this:
Why? It's a tiny percentage of federal revenues but can be devastating to family businesses and farms.
Yet people try to give me left-wing claptrap that it's a "myth" the estate tax threatens family businesses and farms, So I find an example of one that would be only to be told it's a biased source. Fun little game they play.
So I found a really unimpeachable source:
If you can't refute the evidence, question the source?
But you're missing the point: the government has NO right to the money just because the person died. If my neighbor had an estate of $5.48 million and got to pass all of his along yet mine was $5.5 million and my heirs had to fork over 40% to the government, how is that right in your eyes? I consider that arbitrary and capricious.
Nor do I stand for communist principles, to wit:
"Democracy would be wholly valueless to the proletariat if it were not immediately used as a means for putting through measures directed against private property and ensuring the livelihood of the proletariat. The main measures, emerging as the necessary result of existing relations, are the following:
(i) Limitation of private property through progressive taxation, heavy inheritance taxes, abolition of inheritance through collateral lines (brothers, nephews, etc.) forced loans, etc."
That comes straight from the Marxists themselves. Deny that.
Then someone tried to say that trickle-down economics didn't work and the tax cuts in Kansas were proof. I pointed out there were extenuating circumstances:
First of all, the issue in Kansas wasn't the tax cuts - it was the state's lack of willingness to curtail its spending to match, along with some issues with low prices in the commodity markets they depend on that eroded tax revenue even further. This is a good explanation.
Similarly, what increased the federal deficit during the aughts was a lack of willingness to cut spending to match tax income (as it has been for every year this century, including some real doozies of deficits under the last President, But back then deficits didn't matter.)
But given the fact that this district voted handily for our Congressman and for President Trump, by extension it would be logical for Andy to vote for a tax plan the President supports.
And if you don't agree that tax cuts create an economic boom, let me ask you: are you working for yourself or are you working for an allowance from the government? I don't see Uncle Sam doing the work for which I show up at 7 and work until 5 most days. I earned the money and I want to keep more of it.
(A good question for Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. - is the reason we don't adopt the FairTax a worry about lack of revenue or worry about lack of control of our behavior through the tax code?)
And again, I got the charge of biased source because Koch brothers or something like that. I can play that game too.
The contributor is actually a member of the Tax Policy Center, which is more left-leaning. And note that it was a court order demanding increased education spending that caused their budgetary problems for the year.
I think the truth is probably somewhere closer to the KPI version of events (since they are actually on the ground in Kansas) as opposed to a Beltway-based Forbes contributor. Actually, that's a pretty good metaphor for the role of government, too.
This will be enough for tonight. Stay tuned on Tuesday for more.