Coming from behind?
Hey, what do you know? After saying my piece yesterday I got an internal poll. (Well, actually Jeff Quinton got it, but I can use it to make my point.) I did receive the presser which alerted me to the fact that Larry Hogan was polled to be within striking distance of Anthony Brown.
One other aspect of the Wilson Perkins Allen internal poll that I thought interesting was the "blind ballot test" question (page 2 here), where an ersatz candidate with Hogan's background leads a Brown stand-in by a 45-44 margin. Yet, as Quinton points out, we don't have the crosstabs or other information to correlate with the actual electorate. Using a 2010 turnout model - which may well be overstating Democrat turnout this time around and underestimating the GOP's - and cross-referencing it to current partisan registration gives a model reflected below:
Democrats - 2,055.678 (55.2%) x 54.84% = 1,127,334, or 56.1% of electorate
Republicans - 952,320 (25.6%) x 62.45% = 594,724, or 29.6% of electorate
unaffiliated/others - 716,830 (19.2%) x ~ 40% = 286,732, or 14.3% of electorate
2,008,790 voters means first to a million wins. But the polling should reflect these numbers on a partisan basis; in fact I would be inclined to add a couple points to the GOP column so we really are punching a little beyond our weight. O'Malley fatigue may keep some Democrats home and motivate the Republicans.
Also remember that the rerun of Bob Ehrlich for a third time may have kept a few GOP stalwarts home, just as the 1998 rematch between Ellen Sauerbrey and Parris Glendening was far less exciting than the 1994 version. 1994 was a wave year for the GOP, and there are some signs 2014 may be the same if the GOP doesn't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as it has done before. Certainly turnout was better on all fronts in 1994: that year 64.93% of Republicans, 60.98% of Democrats, and 46.34% of "declines" turned out. Democratic turnout has slumped 8.37% from its 1998 peak, while Republicans have dropped 4.99% from their 2002 high-water mark in gubernatorial elections. Strictly unaffiliated voters have dropped off 8.35% from their 1994 high point.
For Republicans, turning out at 2002 levels could mean an extra 50,000 votes and perhaps that would swing some local races.
While playing with the numbers is fun for any candidate, there is that minor detail of getting past the GOP primary, and the poll doesn't indicate whether Hogan remains in the GOP lead. Reputable polls so far have shown that Mr. Undecided is the clear favorite, but it's impossible for him to win here in Maryland so someone else will have to prevail. It's likely that whoever wins will not have a majority in the race, so he will have a lot of fences to mend.
But while Hogan and his cohorts have been speaking on the economy - and rightfully so - a close second in importance to many voters is education. This is why what David Craig had to say yesterday at was important. An excerpt:
If (former GM executive turned author) Bob Lutz is a car guy, then you can call me an "education guy." I spent 34 years in Maryland's public schools as a teacher and an assistant principal. My career started as our nation was on top, coming off an age when we sent men to the moon and returned them safely to the earth. There were no waivers, no Common Core, no 'No Child Left Behind,' and no U.S. Department of Education.
What I had back then, and what Governor Pence needs now, and what my home state of Maryland urgently needs, is to give control to teachers in the classroom. Maryland has rushed head first to adopt every federal program in the last several years including Obamacare, Common Core and EPA stormwater regulations, to name a few. The results are always the same - poor execution, millions of dollars wasted and excessive regulation and taxes.
Here is a simple message to anyone concerned about making education work for students and not education bureaucrats. Let teacher's (sic) teach, let them do their job.
Nobody will ever capture a child's imagination in the classroom from Washington D.C. Common Core is bean counters and bureaucrats run amok. They will destroy our education system. No amount of tinkering or re-branding will ever fix it. End it and return control of the classroom to teachers and local school boards.
Craig is perceptive enough to sense the concern that Indiana is adopting Common Core under another name. Yet the question sure to come up in any debate is how we would do without the federal grant money. I can also guarantee Craig will be painted as heartless and out-of-touch if he questions the wisdom of expanding pre-kindergarten, even with its dubious benefits.
Try as some might, education is not a one-size-fits-all commodity. What works well for Dylan in Maryland may not do the trick for Amy in California. And while I've had some thoughts in the past about education I still think are worth pursuing, we have to backtrack from where we're at in order to get pointed in that right direction. The next generation is all we have at stake.