Circling back around
Back in March I reviewed a book by Terri McCormick about rough-and-tumble Republican politics called What Sex Is A Republican? and while I give the book a fairly decent review I honestly didn't think anything further of it until last night. (It's probably got my record for longest post title since I placed the whole thing in the headline.)
However, it just so happened that my review was linked by Aaron Biterman at the Republican Liberty Caucus blog - unbeknownst to me Terri had tossed her hat back into the ring for the Wisconsin's Eighth Congressional District seat she sought in 2006, losing in the primary.
I'm going to quote a small portion of Biterman's remarks in the post, then come back around and ask a question.
(Eventual 2006 Republican nominee John) Gard and the National Republican Congressional Committee spent $2 million to defeat her in the primary. McCormick received 32 percent of the vote and established herself as a Republican maverick. The 32 percent she received represented the segment of Wisconsin voters frustrated with George W. Bush’s policies, pissed that the Republican Party Establishment refused to allow the independent-minded voters of the district decide the primary, and excited about Terri McCormick’s message.
Establishment Republican John Gard lost the General Election to Steve Kagen in 2006 and 2008. Some Wisconsin Republicans incorrectly blame Terri McCormick for his defeat in both election cycles.
Now, if I substituted the name Bob Ehrlich for John Gard, Brian Murphy for Terri McCormick, and Martin O'Malley for Steve Kagan and the results were similar, how much do you want to bet (rhetorically, of course, since they don't allow internet gambling) that Brian Murphy will be a scapegoat too? I think Brian Murphy could very well get 32 percent or more, at least in some areas of the state.
In truth, I didn't percieve in my reading of McCormick's tome that she was exceptionally conservative - and perhaps it was because she was writing it to a more general audience of people who are at the beginning stages of getting politically involved - but in light of the fight she put up to bring charter schools to Wisconsin she at least came down on the right side of a key issue.
In the meantime, I may have another book review to write. In truth, the purpose behind writing the first one was twofold: one, I was asked to, and secondly I intended it for publication at Liberty Features - but apparently they stopped doing book reviews just as I read McCormick's book. But someone saw it and I suppose that's what counts.
Perhaps once the primary season wears down and I have fewer campaigns to track I'll have a review of the book I just got from fellow Red County writer (and Marylander) Ron Miller. I've read the beginnings of it and the book is promising. In the meantime, it looks like sort of a day off from campaign stuff as it's Friday the Thirteenth so I'll enjoy it.