Catching up with Walker
Since Scott Walker is joining my presidential sweepstakes already in progress, I need to catch him up with the areas of education and the Second Amendment. So you'll read them here, but I will also add them in their proper rank in the category at large, since I will come back and refer to it later.
Early on, I really liked Scott Walker and figured he would rank near the top of my choices. That may indeed happen, but how does he fare on these two issues?
I'll begin with education:
Scott Walker has a mixed record on the important subject of Common Core. He will say he's against it, but hasn't gone out of his way to eliminate it in Wisconsin. And while his state has gone farther than most to install a measure of school choice, there are a number of restrictions and only certain families qualify, so it's not always a case of money following the child.
Like Huckabee and Graham above him, Walker is a strong backer of homeschooling. He also has shown the teachers' unions he's the boss, but has been silent on what he would do with the Department of Education and doesn't speak a great deal about local control. This puts him more squarely in the middle of the pack.
Total score for Walker - 2.5 of 5.
On the Second Amendment:
Like Bobby Jindal and Jeb Bush, Scott Walker has loosened the gun restrictions in his state over his time in office. But while he has claimed on separate occasions that he is "a firm defender of the Second Amendment" and is "proud to stand up" for it, I don't see the forceful advocacy and bully pulpit ability that we need, so he ranks a little below the upper tier.
Total score for Walker - 4.8 of 6.
I'm working on the next segment for later this week, although I'm finding the information is coming in a slightly different format than in the first two parts. Regardless, the hard part is looking for similar information on 15 (soon to be 16 or maybe even 17) candidates. But that's what you pay me for. (Oh wait, I'm working for free? Call it a labor of love, I guess - although there is a tip jar to rattle.)
Tomorrow, though, I take a break for state politics. See you in Crisfield.