Catching up the stragglers
As you likely know, we have added two more to the GOP presidential field in the last two weeks: Ohio governor John Kasich and onetime Virginia governor Jim Gilmore. Since I did dossiers on some issues without them, now is the time to get them caught up. I'll also add these to the original articles.
Let's begin with education, which was worth 5 points.
Unlike most of his opponents, John Kasich supports Common Core. But he almost makes up for it by being one of the better school choice governors in the country despite some hiccups. The problem is he not only backs Common Core, but doesn't even accept arguments against it, calling opposition "a runaway internet campaign." He also is a "very big believer in public education," and that worries me a bit as well.
Total score for Kasich - 1.6 of 5.
I don't have a lot yet to go on for Jim Gilmore, but he is against Common Core, for local control of education, and once called for a voucher program for Virginia schools when he was running for governor. So it's a decent start.
Total score for Gilmore - 2.0 of 5.
Now on to the Second Amendment, worth 6:
Once John Kasich supported an assault weapons ban, but he's been contrite on that front since and the NRA forgave him. He's been good on concealed carry and expanding gun rights in the state, too. I would place him at about the level Bobby Jindal is at, if only because of the 1994 misstep.
Total score for Kasich - 5.2 of 6.
All I could find for Jim Gilmore so far on the Second Amendment is that he's a life member of the NRA, was on their Board of Directors, and Virginia gun owners backed him. I suspect he would be fine but has been out of the game awhile.
Total score for Gilmore - 4.0 of 6.
Looking at energy for seven points:
Jim Gilmore seems to be in favor of an "all-of-the-above" energy scheme. While he was more for conservation in his previous runs, I think he understands the impact fracking can make. If the left isn't too far down on him, though, he must be doing something wrong.
Total score for Gilmore - 3.5 of 7.