Carnival of Maryland 54 is up...
...and it's up over at Insane Baltimore.
It seems a large topic of discussion on my site is also a topic on the Carnival too. I know Insane Baltimore looks at politics from the opposite side of the glass as I do but it's handled quite well.
Once again we have taken submissions from the best blogging Maryland has to offer, and it doesn't hurt that the lead items were mine. (You don't always have to start with the items submitted by the guy who runs the C of M but it can't hurt.)
To be honest though I'd push the Carnival even if my submission didn't start this edition. The next one will be March 22nd and hosted at Boomer Twilight. If you're a Maryland-based blogger or have something to say about items concerning the Free State, the submission form is here. I look forward to a lengthy C of M 55 in two weeks.