Cardin: Senate inaction an "accomplishment"
If President Obama wants to run against a "do-nothing Congress" this cycle, perhaps he should be reminded of what one of his leading liberal supporters said in a Bloomberg interview:
There were efforts made to really move in the wrong direction, and we were able to block a lot of very damaging bills to our environment, to health care.
That, friends, is none other than Ben Cardin. If I were to guess, the bills Cardin is referring to as "moving in the wrong direction" encouraged vital energy exploration and transport and returned health care to more of a market approach. The only damage which would have been done was to liberal pride as they find out once again conservative ideas work, every time they're tried.
And while the House has approved hundreds of bills to help out working American families, the Senate has killed off all but 54 bills and threatens to plunge America off a "fiscal cliff" by repealing the Bush tax cuts on hard-working business owners, not to mention other tax increases slated to occur as part of Obamacare beginning in 2013. (Don't try to play the class envy card here, because I won't accept it. If anything, the tax system should be flatter.)
So it may behoove Dan Bongino and his supporters to tell Maryland voters that if a "do-nothing Congress" is considered part of the problem, it's their Senator who's up for re-election that's embracing the obstructionist approach. Frankly, I'm tired of the conservative side being blamed when it's Democrats who seem to be bottling up the process in the Senate - it seems to feed the bad habit of President Obama ruling by fiat via Executive Order.
While I know Barack Obama doesn't like the Constitution because of its "negative liberties" he still took an oath to uphold it, and the idea is for him to lead by convincing the legislative branch to enact policies he wants. Obama had two years with a mandate and a Congress in his favor; obviously the backlash against his (so-called) accomplishments from the people was significant. Aside from convincing people our argument was the correct one, that's not the fault of conservatives - liberals had every opportunity to state their case and to vote as well. To paraphrase the words of Barack Obama, "we won."
And now it's up to our side to win some more. If Ben Cardin wants to take credit for an obstinate Senate which won't allow bills to help Americans who simply want to make themselves a better life, be my guest. It goes to show what 46 years in politics will do to someone.