Can this work in Maryland?
I touched on this a little bit the other day when I plugged the event, but fellow patriot O.P. Ditch recorded Dan Bongino at Monday's New Fair Deal rally in Washington D.C. His speech ran around 15 minutes.
In his look at the ideas behind the New Fair Deal - ending corporate handouts, taxing fairly, stopping overspending, and empowering individuals. Bongino opted to treat the latter two as one item, and I think this is fair for the purpose of my discussion. This post is going to be an exercise in thought about the next two years.
I've seen MDGOP Chair candidate Collins Bailey talk about a "Contract with Maryland" but what would happen if we had a "New Fair Deal" for Maryland?
You might think that Maryland doesn't have corporate handouts but I can assure you they do. I saw the other day where the InvestMaryland scam selected three companies to give a grant to - why is our state government selecting these winners and losers? And why is it that the same contractors always seem to get state work? Can you give me the reason that renewable energy has to have its own carveout in state law? Let the market work, as new, better ideas will naturally come to the fore.
Meanwhile, our governor rammed through a tax increase last year on the state's producers - not only do they pay higher rates, but their deductions decrease once they reach a certain income threshold. We can flatten the tax rates out; in fact I would willingly pay a percent or two more in sales tax if they reduced the income tax rate down to 3% for all filers, regardless of income. And the state could easily afford that change if they just spent the median amount per capita, rather than an amount 10-15% more than the average. We could wipe out every last one of Martin O'Malley's 37 tax increases and still have a little left over because the budgetary difference is about $4 billion.
But how do you empower individuals? Unlike the federal NFD, the state doesn't really run any entitlement programs on its own. However, there is a lot which could be done to empower the counties and municipalities, particularly in the areas where they used to be much more autonomous until the nanny state stepped in.
There's no doubt that these proposals would need to be fleshed out, but I think much of the basic principle could work. And while things can always change, Dan has seemed to place himself in the unique position of being able to make these changes in one of the "laboratories of democracy" we always hear about because he's going to run for governor. Of course, I have no official announcement of this fact but I would lay the odds of him running for the state's top job at about 80/20. I simply don't see Dan going through the motions of forming an exploratory committee to run for a Congressional seat, wait until 2016 to run again for Senate, or fight a sitting Republican for Anne Arundel County Executive, not after he nationalized his first campaign and become a media darling. Obviously the Bongino/Keyes rumor was believable because one has to ask where else Dan would go? (Now if Bongino decides to make a trip to Iowa or New Hampshire people hereabouts will absolutely freak.)
So I wrote this post under the assumption that Dan might just borrow elements of the New Fair Deal and apply them to his own platform. There would be nothing like presenting Marylanders a clear choice between the tired old tax-and-spend mentality of cronyism which the state has labored under for decades, presumably with just a different face in Anthony Brown, and a different approach which relieves the Free State and frees it from the dependence on government at all levels.