Can the Grinch steal a Salisbury City Council seat?
Well, this post (since taken down) oughta stir up some interest and get the local blogosphere going. Jonathan Taylor is best known as the host of a website which points out the faults and foibles of another local political gadfly, Joe Albero. (In Taylor's defense he has toned down the Albero criticism somewhat in recent months - still, they don't like each other.)
Needless to say any discussion of local Salisbury politics will sit on the back burner until the 2010 election cycle is completed in November, but Taylor would enter the District 2 field at a time when three of five City Council seats are up. With one incumbent battling cancer, the presumption would be that at least one seat of the three at stake next year would be freed up.
The personality conflicts are inevitable because Salisbury politics seems to be full of them. The last three years have been a story of 3-2 votes, with Debbie Campbell (re-elected in 2009) and Terry Cohen (up in 2011) almost always voting as the minority. One would presume the acrimony between Taylor, Cohen, and Campbell (as an extension of Jon's dislike of C+C ally Albero) would make City Council meetings quite interesting - but would anything get done?
Of course, there's still the filing and actual campaign to go through, but Taylor could add a little pizzazz to an offyear municipal election and provide a reality check for the power of blogs to influence the political process.