Can Obama survive a PUMA attack?
Fair warning: the blog excerpt I chose has adult language.
A couple weeks ago I had stopped by to work at our Wicomico County GOP headquarters when this nice lady with a Brownie Scout daughter and a car sporting several pro-Hillary bumper stickers strolled in. (I actually happened to follow her car into the shopping center where our headquarters is located, that's how I knew the latter.)
I believe it's a phrase borrowed from the Arabic which states, "the enemy of your enemy is your friend." So it was that this woman had dropped by to pick up a McCain bumper sticker and yard sign. She also dropped off some information that I found fascinating. I knew there was an anti-Obama backlash among some Democrats but not that it was this large.
Those who claim to stand for wresting the Democratic Party away from the elites who have taken it over have coalesced into a group they call PUMA (which stands for People United Means Action.) In their mission statement they note in part:
Puma PAC is the VOICE OF THE VOTERS in the Democratic Party -- not of special interest groups, not of corporations, not of politicians. We are motivated by the growing distance between the party leadership and every-day, average voters. It is the divisive disdain for VOTERS, practiced by the leadership and amplified by the media and some politicians, that has brought the Democratic Party to the brink of ANOTHER GENERAL ELECTION LOSS and the irrelevancy of the Democratic Party altogether. (Capitalization in original.)
Needless to say, they're a little bit outraged at the party elites who support Barack Obama. This is from their blog, and where the advisory up top comes in:
Dare to disagree with or oppose The One? Be prepared for an onslaught unmitigated by decency, inclusive principles, or restraint of any kind. We’ve catalogued the insults and degradation many times here on this blog: the comments that cursed our loved ones to die in botched back-alley abortions, the threats of righteous violence if obama loses, the by-now toothless accusations of racism (yet they still sting). We’ve been called witches, bitches, and cunts — frequently and publicly. We watched how they portrayed Hillary, and we documented their pornographic degradation of Sarah Palin. (”my black brothers will gang rape Sarah Palin,” “fucking whore,” “dominatrix,” “pom-pom girl,” “sex slave,” and of course “cunt” over and over again).
And now they savage S. Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber. Even Joe Biden is doing it. We’re told he’s stupid, ugly, racist, poor, dumb, a fraud, and a liar. He’s a guy so he probably won’t be gang-raped or figuratively f**cked by teh Boiz. He probably won’t be photo-shopped with a ball gag in his mouth being whipped by Markos in drag. That probably will never happen. Maybe Maureen Dowd will devote a column to how she’d never have sex with someone so poor. But probably the most humiliating thing he’ll have to live down is Diane Sawyer reminding him and millions of us that Joe the Plumber will probably NEVER make enough money to qualify for obama’s tax increases.
What a strange, strange beast the Democratic Party has become.
No one believed us when we claimed that Obama stole the caucuses with fraud and intimidation. And like Cassandra, we now watch as Obama’s Trojan horse unleashes ACORN to burn Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania down.
DEMOCRATS. Democrats did this.
And they continue to do it every day.
It seems to me that a group like PUMA would have a strong following here on the Eastern Shore, where many of the Democrats fall into one (or both) of two groups: a Democrat simply because their parents or grandparents were, or the old-line Democrats I like to call the Humphrey Democrats - all for big government to equalize economic outcomes, but pro-America, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-life. Many of them eventually split from the party and switched to the GOP after starting as Reagan Democrats but others still hold out hope that their party will return to those values.
Unfortunately, much as the powers-that-be in the GOP have retreated from the conservatism espoused by Ronald Reagan and rooted in Barry Goldwater, so the most powerful among Democrats stepped into line with the socialism of Barack Obama, along with the moral equivalency, gun grabbing, and love of Code Pink exhibited by those farthest on the left.
But I don't know if it's simply the anger that Obama shrewdly piled up a huge number of delegates from relatively few activist Democrats by winning most of the caucus states or the relative moderatism of John McCain that has turned many of these former Hillary Clinton supporters into a new political body. Would the woman who wandered into GOP headquarters to publically show her support for McCain with a bumper sticker be as willing to support our side had Mitt Romney or Fred Thompson been the nominee, or would PUMA members have simply fumed about the situation and stayed home on November 4th? I'm pleased to see the support, but there is a big difference between switching sides for convenience and getting to know the philosophy of a candidate and his party (although the two aren't always or necessarily congruent.)
One task of mine on this website is to teach and illustrate the benefits of a smaller, less intrusive government. Thus, the reason I found this woman and her organization interesting is the hook we've been provided by her party nominating a man who is quite possibly the most left-wing nominee a major party has ever put forth. It may be a slow, painful process but I welcome those who would like to come onboard our side - now our job is to patiently explain the advantages we offer and bring them into the fold on our terms.