Bursting the bubble
This post is just for a little bit of fun.
There's another blogger in town who likes to think of himself as a prime source of news and touts his Alexa rating - once he gets down under 100,000 he'll be in the "big leagues" with the likes of Fox News, CNN, etc.
So I thought I'd see just where the big leagues are with Alexa ranks and compare his number with some other sites. The first number is world rank and the second number is U.S. rank.
CNN.com ranks 59 overall and 17 in the United States.
FoxNews.com is 224 and 38.
ABCNews.com ranks 467 and 139.
CBSNews.com currently stands at 1,329 and 347.
Here's the standing of some of the national commentary sites.
HuffingtonPost.com leads at 246 and 44 world and U.S. respectively.
DailyKos.com is next at 3,866 and 1,018.
Townhall.com is 5,020 worldwide and 1,360 in the United States.
HumanEvents.com ranks 17,122 and 4,465 respectively.
RedCounty.com is 73,213 and 17,854. I added that in because it's a site I contribute to.
How about local and regional media?
The Washington Post ranks 381 worldwide and 97th nationally.
Baltimore's Sun is 3,470 and 960.
Washington Times ranks 4,736 and 1,107.
WBOC.com (Channel 16 locally) comes in at 101,466 and 22,437.
Delmarvanow.com (the Salisbury Daily Times) is 105,556 and 26,680.
The website in question (local readers know who it is) is 339,103 and 122,926.
He does beat WMDT.com (Channel 47 locally) which ranks 1,143,577 and 293,809.
Okay, so where do I come in? I have nothing to hide: my ranks are 2,985,720 and 761,846. It ain't great but I'm not ashamed to put it out there (or my Site Meter for that matter.) It is what it is. All I can do is put the best content I can on this site and that's what I try to do.
But I thought I'd have a little fun with the guy and give the rest of you a little perspective. Obviously he's found a way to get pretty good readership but he has a LONG way to go to get to the major leagues - even with getting his mug on television once a week.