Bringing the a-word into the Maryland race
As a means of showing contrast between he and his opponent this works well, but I'm not sure this is the race to bring up the subject in much more of a meaningful way than this post. Brian Murphy is pro-life while opponent Bob Ehrlich - eh, not so much.
Maryland's inadequate regulation of abortion facilities may have contributed to the death (of a young woman from a botched procedure.) Murphy has affirmed his commitment to improve the regulations of abortion facilities to ensure women receive the best possible care. "As the only pro-life candidate for governor of Maryland, I have significant philosophical differences with my opponents, Bob Ehrlich and Martin O'Malley. But I like to think we can all agree that the obvious lack of adequate regulation of Maryland abortion facilities is a disservice to women," said Murphy.
"It has been said that abortions should be, 'safe, legal and rare,'" said Murphy. "In Maryland, where abortions are legal, we have no way to know if they are also safe and rare. We must ensure that abortion statistics are made available to the public, while also preserving patient confidentiality. And we must hold abortion facilities accountable for the health of the women they serve. Incidents such as this must be investigated, and Maryland women must be protected," said Murphy.
Obviously abortion should be one of those state's rights issues, but the problem lies with the Supreme Court not having the opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade and returning the battleground issue to its proper venue. It's sure enough that if Murphy wins and can somehow convince a Democratic-controlled General Assembly to pass these laws that they would end up in court and at the mercy of whether a judge is tolerant of the legislature's right to enact laws or wants to play activist.
Yet it's not like Brian isn't pragmatic about the situation here in Maryland - he's nowhere near taking a step like other states and restricting the act of abortion itself. All he's proposing is accountability and reporting requirements; then again, it's more than any other candidate for governor is backing and certainly should bring cheer to Maryland's pro-life community.