Braver than I
Another of the Maryland pundits who actually gets a vote on the upcoming state GOP leadership elections, Daniel Vovak takes my oddsmaking a little farther and predicts the order of finish in each race on his Montgomery County Daily website.
I'm not going to sit and argue with his forecasts, but I will say there's precious few of his winners on my personal voting list. (Of course if it were up to me I'd go 6-for-6 so anything less is sort of unsatisfactory. Yes, I can live with most of these people.)
The first thing which jumps out at me is the number of people running from Montgomery County - in theory four of the six officers could come from one county. Anne Arundel County has three hopefuls and Howard County two, but one notable omission is that Baltimore County has no one running for party office. How long has it been since that happened? Of course, the lower Shore isn't represented, although Matt Teffeau of Caroline County (running for 3rd Vice-Chair) has a local connection as he's the head of the SU College Republicans.
Another interesting facet of Vovak's piece is his division of labor between the three vice-chairs. While under Alex Mooney vice-chairs would have specific fundraising targets he didn't spell out any other duties, nor has any other candidate. Certainly part of this may be holding cards close to the chest to see who he or she works with, but I would presume the Chairs have an agenda and duties for the vice-chairs to follow. Perhaps Vovak's plan is a template but as he points out the by-laws are silent on specifics.
So I give kudos to Daniel for adding his expertise and perspective to the race.
At this moment my plan is to run the questions and answers I solicited from each hopeful tomorrow - my delay is waiting for William Campbell to follow through on his promise to send me his. (As if on cue, lo and behold they just showed up in my e-mail!) On Friday I'll post my penultimate odds, although I am planning on bringing my trusty laptop for necessary updates. (I would assume a hotel such as the Doubletree has wifi, otherwise I'll be sorely disappointed.)
In any event, this should be a newsworthy weekend.