Boda wins Council poll again
Perhaps this is more reflective of the preferences of my readership than of the actual future election, but Muir Boda was the choice of those who responded to my Salisbury City Council poll. In the real vote earlier this month, Boda finished fourth.
The conservative lean of my readership is also reflected in who the bottom three finishers were, as they all tied.
There were just 62 votes cast, with the lower number expected when I changed the poll rules a little bit to discourage frequent repeat voting. I may relent on this slightly for the next version, but the results were pretty much what I figured they would be.
Here's the order of finish:
Muir Boda - 18 votes (29.03%)
Orville Dryden - 15 votes (24.19%)
Terry Cohen - 8 votes (12.9%)
Bruce Ford, Laura Mitchell, and Tim Spies - 7 votes apiece (11.29%)
Truthfully, when I advertise Boda and have been critical of Tim Spies in this space, I got the results I figured I would. But I'm going to do one more poll before the election, tweaking things a little bit more and perhaps utilizing Two Sentz's blog to help weigh results more to the center.