To begin with, you may have noticed the survey I had on the sidebar. I wanted to have something of local interest to test a hypothesis I had...of course, then I latched onto a statewide story and didn't let it go. So I actually ended up with fewer Salisbury readers than I had when I started (as a percentage, anyway.) So much for my theory!
Strangely enough, the survey was about two other local bloggers who focus on local issues and would presumably have a predominantly local readership. Well, I don't know about their percentage of local readership but I know mine is pretty good - the plurality of my readers come from Salisbury, but they indeed come from all over Maryland. By the way, I was right in the fact that most people don't like those two bloggers (if they even know who they are.) They've been known to be a touch on the vicious side and it rubs people the wrong way.
But I've noticed of late that the Delmarva Dealings site is no longer online. G.A. has taken a hiatus before but I don't think his site actually went offline; I think he just didn't post. So I don't know if he's just taking time off or washing his hands of the situation entirely. Maybe those two rub him the wrong way too.
Anyway, he does have a political perspective that's being missed so hopefully he'll be back soon.