Big checks for card check
One thing that we can bet the farm on is that Big Labor is going to try again in the 111th Congress to get the Employee Free Choice Act passed. In essence, the act eliminates the secrecy from union elections by eliminating the election and simply having a signed card be "proof" that an employee wants to join a union. Would you want someone looking over your shoulder in the voting booth? EFCA would allow union organizers to do just that.
It's worth pointing out that Frank Kratovil has taken over $140,000 from Big Labor in this campaign, and they're not going to spend this kind of money in a district that doesn't have a lot of union workers without some sort of quid pro quo. I know people have been up in arms about all the money the Club For Growth has given to Andy Harris, but those contributions are bundled from individual donors giving of their free will. While it's possible to ask your union not to use your dues for political purposes, in practice that's difficult to achieve - so thousands of workers are contributing to a candidate they may not agree with, but apparently the ends justify the means insofar as Big Labor and concentrating political power is concerned.
This also gives me an opportunity to reintroduce readers to a group I link to called the Center for Union Facts. Actually, they in turn introduced me to this video of one very pushy labor union leader:
It's the same kind of thinking that turns the unions onto seek-and-destroy missions like the plumbers' union letting loose the attack dogs on "Joe the Plumber." Because of that we know that the national plumbers union were early supporters of Barack Obama.
I'm sure Bill wouldn't like me either. It's because something tells me he's also an Obama backer and he'd love to have people like Barack's ally Frank Kratovil in Congress.