Best local blog: the return
This will be the third year that I provide the opportunity to secure bragging rights as the best local blog around, as determined by my readers. For the last two years, the music-based blog afterthegoldrush has come away victorious thanks to Ridgely Griffith's loyal following, and he'll get the chance to defend his title this time around as well.
But things will be a little different this year. Last year I had 24 contenders, but it seems that a number of them have fallen by the wayside over the last 12 months. There are 13 which didn't return because they stopped posting on a regular basis, and I probably could have eliminated another few which are getting updated rather infrequently - but then I would have been back down to a dozen as I was two years ago. Still, I cobbled together a list of 18 contenders - but if you want to nominate another that's not on the list feel free to comment and I'll check it out. But there are some guidelines: the blog must be updated regularly (ideally at least once a week), it must be locally based (essentially within the lower Delmarva area), and it can't be a personality-based website. Those I have so far are all sites I link to, so there are likely others I'm unaware of.
Given those parameters, here are the 18 which will be contending. An asterisk (*) means they are new this year.
Atomic Donkey Brewing*
Chesapeake Journal*
Crisfield News
Delmar DustPan
Delmarva Observer (formerly Delmarva Dealings)
Delmarva Progressive*
Delmarva Shorebirds Blog
Lower Eastern Shore News (formerly The Salisbury Grinch)
Random Thoughts of a Citymouse
Reflections on Delmarva's Past*
Right Coast Conservative (formerly Right Coast Girl or just Right Coast)
Salisbury News
Salisbury Soapbox
Sussex County Angel*
The Other Salisbury News*
The Pocomoke Public Eye
Twirling, Twirling, Twirling Towards Freedom
If others are included, I'll work these into the schedule somehow in order to maintain groupings of three, with wildcards added as necessary.
The first poll will be Monday, so blog owners need to let their supporters know this holiday tradition is back!