Bad influence?
This post will be relatively brief because I decided this weekend to have a life away from the computer - thus I really didn't have something in mind to write for tonight.
Apparently the gentleman who has the sole website ahead of me in this week's BNN influence ratings decided that the number of comments he gets from his site against the number of comments I get from mine makes me far less influential than the ratings show. (Don't ask me, I haven't read his site today - the info came in an e-mail.)
I think I've said before that I like comments which advance the post, even if they disagree with my opinion. Lately "ShoreThings" has placed a number of comments on my posts which argue for his point of view, and that's perfectly fine with me. It makes for a livelier discussion.
The point is that I don't have to throw out comments because they're personal attacks or the like. Maybe not being a very controversial figure hurts me in the categories of readership and comments, but I continue to maintain I have the best comments of any local website because they're generally thoughtful, not incendiary. And the readership's not too bad either.
Anyway, I'll just allow him to have his opinion, it's not really worth too much in the big picture aside from idle discussion fodder. While I derive a lot of satisfaction from this thing I call monoblogue, I try not to make it all-consuming because one can burn out quickly on doing a blog. Thus the dearth of posting this weekend and maybe for the rest of the month it'll be more like one a day rather than two most days. I'll just take a bit of a breather since the political world is pretty slow anyway and allow things to sort out.
If I fall to #3 in the rankings or even out of the top ten, I'm not going to worry too much. But I owe it to those who read here that when I do a post it's the best I can do.