Autumn Wine Festival in pictures and text
For this exercise I'm going to subdivide the post into four parts: the politics, the crowds, the music, and the still lifes.
Since there really wasn't all that much political that I didn't cover in last night's post I'll begin there.
The politics:
I was sort of surprised that so few of our county elected officials turned out, although I can account for at least one being away. Our booth had one welcome visitor a little later:
And what were the Democrats up to?
Okay, I'm having a little fun at their expense. This was them on Sunday - I took this picture from in front of our space so it's not a closeup. The tent is actually behind them.
It turned out we were tentless today as well - apparently the gusty winds caught our tent sometime last night and toppled it over, stakes and all. Undaunted, we set up shop today nonetheless.
The crowds:
I heard during a radio remote that Saturday's crowd was a record. Didn't look like it to me. The first picture was taken Saturday afternoon along the row of crafters, the second today in between the wineries.
The music:
I'm not a jazz guy at all - you can tell my tastes from the local band links I have on my site. But there were a lot of talented musicians on stage who should get their due, so I have shots of the seven groups who played the festival this time around.
Still life:
I just like to shoot some artsier shots when the AWF rolls around. Perhaps it's the classical idea of bottles as still life, or just a question I had to ask. There's only three, so pardon my indulgence.
Other than the tent mishap and being cold most of the time, the Autumn Wine Festival was a lot of fun, and I met friends old and new there. The interest in McCain items was a definite bonus on the political front, but watching the crowd was fun too. So I'm sure we'll give this another go next year.