I’m not going to write a long post today, as I need a bit of a break already. (“Didn’t you just take one?” Well, yeah, I did, but I have a life outside Substack, too.)
As I said last week, I thought Donald Trump needed to be in the 60-65% range to seal the deal.
It looks like he’ll be in the high 50s as I write this, but there’s a game effort by Nikki Haley to keep it close. The situation indeed became a two-way race last week as Ron DeSantis withdrew, leaving it between Trump and Haley, who I’m certainly not sold on.
The other facet of the race is the Joe Biden factor. The Democrats didn’t want New Hampshire to take their usual leadoff position, saving it for South Carolina instead. But the Granite State told the Democrats “up yours” and scheduled theirs first anyway, and Joe Biden isn’t on the ballot. In order to save himself embarrassment, his campaign is encouraging write-in votes and so far they’re doing okay with about 70% of the vote.
Then again, this also means 30% of Democrats don’t want Biden (or don’t know how to do write-in ballots.) Given the fact the DNC is doing everything they can to clear the field for Biden (including cancelling primaries) that has to be a little worrisome - maybe not LBJ 1968 territory, but concerning nonetheless.
Honestly, I think America wants a Biden-Trump rematch about as much as they want a root canal. But since neither of these men is going to back down unless fate intercedes, I guess we’ll just have to dread November.
Until next time, also remember you can Buy Me a Coffee since I have a page there.
About what's her name...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ2C6GKASN0&t=340s
America is in dangerous times for sure.